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"Y'all coming to the Father's Day party?" Parker, one of my friends asks. Everybody responds with yeahs. Except me I drift off into deep thought about my biological dad. I wish I could of met him before he passed. He seemed real cool in the video he made while in the hospital, and in the other photos and videos my dads have showed me and Darion.

"Aye you good Dari?" I hear Jacob, another friend ask.

"Yeah I'm good. Just thinking bout some thing" I tell him, making it as believable as possible.

"I'll talk to y'all later I gotta go. My pops need me at the crib to help him out" I lie to them so I could leave without all the questions.

"Ight see you later bro" they say before we all dap each other up and I leave. When I got home no one was there so I went up to my room. I walk into my room and walked to my dresser and opened the top drawer. I grabbed my dads phone that has his videos in it. I unlocked it and started watching videos and photos he has in his his phone. I saw one video with him and my dad, my dad was sitting in his lap recording him. My dad kept picking with him and he kept laughing telling dad to stop. Then my other dad walks in.

"Stop in the name of LOOOOVVVVEE!" He shouts as he walks out of a room with a blanket tied around his neck as a cape, and he's wearing his underwear over top of his pants. I release a small laugh when I see that. I feel a tear slip from my right eye then my left, I wipe my eyes to rid the tears.

"I wish I could of met you dad" I whisper before I get out of my bed, remove my clothes, and hop in the shower.

"What is up! I'm here with my boyfriend best friend Kendle. As y'all know he pranked me with my best friend and it's been a few weeks and he thinks I'm still upset with him because of that prank but that's just been me acting so that it can lead up to this day. I'm gonna make it seem like I decided to get revenge on him with his friend" I explain to the camera while kendle is in the back ground listening to the plan and smiling his cute smile.

"You ready for this kendle?" I ask him.

"I'm more than ready I just hope my boyfriend doesn't walk in or this prank will backfire." Kendle says as he smiles into the camera.

"Good. I'm gonna hide the camera and I'm gonna set another one downstairs to catch his reaction when he first walks into the house" I say to both kendle and the camera. Kendle nods his head in understanding. I set up both of the cameras.

"Oh oh oh! We should do this" kendle says before he goes through my drawers before finding a condom. He grabs my NIVEA lotion bottle and he puts lotion in the condom. He laid the condom on the floor next to the trash can. He then gets the lotion again and squirts lil drops in the bed before rubbing it in making it look like there is cum on the bed.

"Smart idea" I say before putting my hand in the air for a high five.

"I know. Your lucky for a partner like me"he says after our high five.

"So now what Mr smarty pants?" I ask.

"Now we go to your shower and we act like we are getting it on in there now." He explains before he turns the shower on. He bagan to remove his clothes but he didn't stop when he got to his briefs.

"Woah woah! You can keep them on!" I tell him while covering my eyes.

"Nah I'm bout to put on a shorter pair of briefs and then cover up with a towel around my waist. Just like you gonna do" He says before he goes to his room and I go to my closet. When I'm finished I look around my brother room for his camera - that he stole from a poorly secured Walmart- so I can record the shower area.

"So we gonna do the prank in the shower but we got cameras set up in different places in this house so we can catch Zy'air reaction." I explain to the camera. Then Kendle walks back in.

"Ready?" I ask

"Ready!" He says confidently. We get everything situated and we began making noises. We don't even call Zy so that he can really be surprised.

"He here" kendle says after we hear the door open and close.

"How you know it's him?"

"Because my bae don't get off from work until 7 and it's only 4 sum. So continue with the noises" he says then we ho back to making extra loud noises just for him to hear.

I can hear his footsteps getting closer and I hear movement in my room. He should be coming any second now with how loud we are.

"PUT A BABY IN ME KYREE!" Kendle moans.

"BET BABY BOY!" I shout. The door busts open and kendle shoots up from his bent over position and we move like we are trying to cover up.

"Yooooooo kendle your funny bro!" Trevon says in a cold, calm, scary voice with a humorless laugh. Me and kendle look at each other scared.

"So who...who you got in there with you kendle?" Trevon asks with his same toned voice. This nigga is one of them calm talkers when they angry. He scary as fuck right now and he my LITTLE cousin.

"Tr-Trevon calm down" kendle says as he steps out of the shower. I turn the shower off before slowly stepping out after him while taking a glance at the hidden camera.

"Aww helll naw" Trevon mumbles before looking down, shaking his head, and letting out another scary humorless laugh.

"Cus it's not how this supposed to go down. You wasn't supposed to be here." I try to explain. Low key scared of my little cousin because he a crazy nigga. He don't play when it comes to people crossing him up and doing him wrong.

"Ohhh So I How was it supposed to go? YOU GET A COUPLE ROUNDS IN WITH MY NIGGA AND I DON'T EVER FIND OUT" He says and switches his tone to shouting and pushing me up against the wall choking me.

"Ke-kend-le!" I say as best as I can. Asking for help. He runs out of the door. But he begins slowly walking back into the bathroom backwards with a furious Zy walking in front of him slowly with a knife pointing at kendle. This prank really backfired.

"Put the knife down Zy'air." Kendle says slowly.

"Really this what we doing now?!?! It was a fucking prank!! Get over it Ky'ree!!!!" He yells as he comes to me.

"Y'all it's a prank!" Kendle shouts. I start blinking in and out before I can see anything else happen everything goes dark.

"Nah y'all was in here really fucking I heard y'all, I seen y'all, and I saw evidence!" Trevon says loudly while holding Ky'ree against the wall but I notice Ky'ree eyes are closed. My eyes grow wide before I rush to him I push Trevon out of the way catching him off guard.

"There is a camera right there and there is two more! Now help me get him to his bed!" I yell as I check Ky'ree pulse which is still there.

"Y'all play to much" Zy'air and Trevon says as they start to help me. Well mostly Trevon because zy pregnant ass stomach is in the way of him helping.

Chapter 15 coming up next...

Best Friends Brother(book number 2) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now