Chap. 24

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I felt the tears streaming down my face as I tried to push past the doctors who tried holding me back.

"Let me see my brother!" I yell while trying to get past them.

"You gotta calm down Darion!" I hear Aiden say and I look back at him.


After Darion's shouting the doctors let him by his brother and we quickly follow after the stretcher that is going down a hall now. When we catch up with them Darion try's to get information on his brother but the doctors don't tell him anything. I pull his arm and he looks at me.

"You have to let them get him stabled. Then you can ask questions but if you keep distracting them then they won't be able to fully focus on saving your brother" I tell him and he stares at me as we stand outside of the room his brother was taken into and he hugs me and I hug him back.

"Thank you" He says after breaking away from our long hug.

"No problem lil cousin" I say smirking. My phone rings and it's my pops.

"Where you and Darion run off to?" He asks I sigh sadly before responding.

"We saw Dari being brought into the hospital on a stretcher out of an ambulance so we followed them to the room" I tell him sadly while rubbing Darion's back while he leans on me.

"What room he in?!" My pops asks

"Room 397 third floor" I tell him.

"We on our way" he says before hanging up. Few moments later they are coming around the corner while I hold a crying Darion with his face hidden in my chest. He started crying a few minutes after my pops hung up the phone. I had tears escaping my eyes too but I tried not to cry as much so that I could be strong for him.

"Daddy!" He sobs when he sees his dads and the three of them engulf in a hug as they comfort their son while he's in his vulnerable state. Ky'ree and Zy'air even came but Zy'air is in a wheelchair he probably cursed them nurses out to get out of his bed after getting fresh stitches. I slip out to go outside for a different Scenery. I find myself calling someone to come and give me comfort.

"Hey baby!"

"I need you to come back by the hospital"

"Why what's wrong?"

"My cousin just got brought into the hospital"

"Ok I'll be there in a little bit ok baby"


"Ok see you in a little bit"

"K bye"


I sigh before looking out for their car. After a few minutes I see their car pull up and a smile spreads across my lips. They park their car before opening the door and coming up to me and hugging me. And I cry into her arms.

"It's ok baby I'm here for you" she said while rubbing my back.

"Thank you" I mumble while hugging her tightly.

"C'mon lets get inside and see what's going on" she says after about ten minutes of standing outside and her comforting me. I nod and before we walk through he door her phone rings. She quickly answers it not letting me see who called her which causes me to frown.

"Can we talk later...I'm busy...I'm helping my boyfriend with his problems...are you sure?...can't you delay it a little?...ok ok imma be there in a little I gotta get home to change...ok...yeah...k bye" she says before hanging up.

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