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Darion and me are walking through the mall and this dark skinned, short, thick girl walks by us. I don't pay attention to her but Darion stops walking and hits my arm before catching up with her -when we see a girl we tryna holla at we hit each other in the arm before shooting our shot- I couldn't hear what they were saying but I could see the girl smiling her face off and Darion was giving her his signature smirk. I smirk before shaking my head at his dumb ass. He gives her his phone before Darion flashes her a smile then comes back to me.

"Let me see!" I tell him when he gets back to me.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because nigga you coulda just went to her and faked that shit" I tell him

"Man whatever! You just hating!" He tells me before handing me his phone. I see a name saved in as 'Aliyah❤️'

"Ight I'm just checking cause you are not credible nigga!" I tell him and we laugh together as we walk into footlocker.

"You still coming to play basketball with the boys right?" I ask him.

"Yeah unless some family business come up. You already know family is my number one priority" he tells me. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah! You say that every time I ask you to go out somewhere with me nigga!" I tell him before I walk up to a pair of shoes that look nice.

"Man fuck you nigga, with yo no girl pulling ass, nigga!" He says as he walks away.

"That's why you running! Pussy!" I yell to him from where I'm standing. A girl walks up to me, I guess she work here because she wearing the footlocker uniform.

"Umm imma need you to quit your voice down a lil bit" she tells me as she looks up at me.

"My bad shawty" I tell her before showing off my signature smirk. Her cheeks turn red as she looks down.

"Don't hide yo's cute" I tell her after picking her head up with my index finger.

"Th-Thanks" She says with a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"No problem. How about you give me yo number so that we can keep in contact" I offer to her.

"Sure. Hand me your phone" she says with her shyness slipping away. I hand my phone and watch as she types away on my screen. She hands me my phone back.

"Kayla if you don't get back to working and stop talking with that young player!!" I hear a women yell. I turn to see that it's a woman who looks in her early 30's.

"Well I gotta go before my manager fires me. But text me" she says while smiling before walking off. I look for Darion and when I find him he's already looking at me. I wink at him before I grab a pair of sneakers I wanna buy and walk up to the cashier.

After leaving the mall...
I pull up to my crib and we hop out my car.

"How many numbers you get?" I ask him as we walk to my door.

"Seven. How many yo ugly ass get?" He asks me.

"Eight nigga now what!!" I yell when we reach the door.

"Fuck you that's what I gotta say!" He yells back.

"I got something for that" I tell him before shoving him back and closing the front door and locking him out. He starts banging and yelling but I ignore him. I walk to the living room and turn on the ps4. I begin to play Fortnite but I stop when I hear a laugh from upstairs. I ignore it after I paused to listen for something but when I don't hear it again I go back to my game until I hear footsteps upstairs. I jog to our hall closet and grab the Glock 43 9mm before going to the staircase. I point the gun but I immediately drop it as I see my brother standing there. I stand there speechless.

"So I come home to surprise my family and I'm met with my big brother pointing a gun at me! Not what I expected at all!" He says but I don't even care I run to him and wrapping my arms around him he hugs me back and we stand there hugging

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"So I come home to surprise my family and I'm met with my big brother pointing a gun at me! Not what I expected at all!" He says but I don't even care I run to him and wrapping my arms around him he hugs me back and we stand there hugging. My mom and brother are the only ones who will ever bring out my soft side. Our moment is ruined by the front door busting open. My brother quickly takes the gun from my hand and points it to Darion. Darions hands shoot up and his face is priceless, I start laughing my ass off as I look at his face. The two of them look at me confused but my brother still has Darion held at gun point.

"Kim calm down he-he's just a friend!" I say in between laughs. I point to Darion while still laughing my ass off.

"Y-your f-face!!!" I yell before I'm dying laughing. I can see Darion coming to me and I hold my arms out to stop him but I'm too weak because of laughing. He pushes me to the floor but I keep laughing.

"Fuck you Quency! And who is this lil nigga anyway?" He asks pointing to Kim.

"At least I wasn't about to piss my pants because of "this lil nigga"" Kim shoots back.

"Yo ion know who you are but you not finna disrespect me!" Darion yells at Kim while walking up in him. They both need to chill with their short tempered having head asses.

"Aye y'all chill. Darion this is my lil brother kimitrius, kimitrius this is Darion my best friend" I say introducing them two.

"Ion like him Q" Kim says while looking at Darion with a look of disgust. I roll my eyes.

"Man fuck You! You ain't got to like me! I'm at this house for Quen not you!" Darion shouts while taking a step to Kim.

"Y'all two need to chill!" I say while laughing. Kim rolls his eyes.

"Where's ma at?" Kim asks looking at me.

"Work She should be off in-" I get cut off by the front door opening.

"Quency get yo ass over here and help me with these bags!" She yells as she walks through the door not looking in our direction. Me, Kim and Darion go grab the rest of the bags. We walk into the kitchen and my mom has her back to us.

"What I tell you about going grocery-" Kim couldn't even finish before our mom was throwing herself at her youngest son. He smiles as they hug and I can hear my mom crying.

"I missed you so much Kim" she says after looking at him.

"You've grown so tall" she says as they break away from the hug.

"Ok me and Darion are gonna give you two some privacy" I tell them before me and Darion walk out of the kitchen.

"Where was he at?" Darion asks when we get to my room.

"He had to go away to some type of school due to his behavior. Kim fought every body who looked at him wrong literally. He says his hands are "bisexual"" I tell him before laughing Darion chuckles also while shaking his head.

"Damn is that why he was ready to fight me so quick?" Darion asks

"I'm surprised he didn't fight you. I guess that school taught him some things and he matured. Because if you did that when he was in the 9th grade y'all would've been scrapping." I tell him while thinking back to the fights my lil brother got into.

"He woulda got his ass beat" Darion said

Chapter 13 coming up next...

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