Chap. 31

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Me and the guy who I found getting fucked by my dad haven't talked since what happened out side when he left my house. I was gonna hit him up but I thought about it and I felt as if it's wrong to sleep with the same guy Tre'vontae cheated on my mom with. He didn't tell my mom about his cheating antics yet and I couldn't stay in the same house as him so now I'm walking to the park out of boredom. I felt my phone vibrate and I removed it from my pocket to check the caller ID, it was my cousin Adam.

"What up?" I ask him

"You free right now?" He asked

"Uhh yeah I guess so, why?"

"Me and some of my friends 'bout to go play ball, you trynna come?" He asked. I was about to respond but I heard hushed voices and movement. I looked behind me but I ain't see no body.

"Aye imma call you back" I say and hang up, not waiting for his answer. The park was a couple feet away but I stopped walking towards it once I caught sight of someone getting the shit beat out of 'em. My face frowned up as I thought about if I should help or ignore it. What if the person getting beat up deserves because they did some bad shit.

"You still a faggot dude?!" I hear one of the guys ask. I start walking towards the scene knowing damn well what they was beating that kid up for.

"Aye! Is there a problem?" I ask getting ready to beat ass.

"And who the fuck are you?" One of the masked guys asked.

"I'm just trynna figure out what the problem is" I say remaining calm and distracting the three men from beating the person balled up on the ground looking a bloody mess.

"None of your fucking business! Now FUCK off!" He demands at me but I don't even flinch.

"Nah fuck that I think you all should leave" I tell them while ascending closer to them. Two of them stepped up to me and crossed their arms trying to act bad ass.

"Get out of here bro" one of them told me.

"Nah fuck that. Y'all ticking my nerves and I'm not patient so you'll leave now or this-" I lift the bottom of my hoodie up to reveal my 9mm. "Choice is yours" I finish. They don't move so I start to grab it and they start backing up.

"Fuck this man!" One of them say before running which the other two follow and do the same.

"Pussys'" I mumble before walking closer to the still body. Instead of touching the body I nudge it with my shoe. If they beat this nigga to death I don't want my finger prints on the body.

"Nggh" the body groaned. I let out a sigh relieved I didn't witness a murder. I crouched down and tried to get a good look at the face. I looked into his eyes and became captured in the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. I've never saw a white boy with pretty eyes like his.

"Aye imma call 9-1-1 and let them take care of you, ok?" I told him while pulling my phone out.

"No" it was so quiet that I almost didn't hear it. I frowned my face in confusion.

"How else you gonna get help?" I ask him. I wait a little bit but I don't get a response.

"You a minor?" I ask

"Mmgh" is the only noise I get from him

"Is that a yes?" I ask I get the same noise and I assume that's a yes.

"Does it hurt to move?" I ask him. I don't realize how dumb of a question that was until it's already out of my mouth. He didn't answer me, but I don't blame him.

"Ok fuck the hospital I got an uncle who does doctor stuff I can call him up and he can do his doctor stuff, how that sound?" I ask him but he still doesn't respond. I pay close attention to him and see that his body is still and his eyes are no longer visible which means he died on me or he passed out. I hope he passed out. I pull my phone out and ring up my uncle Xavier.

"Hey can you come down to the park down the street from my house? I found somebody getting beat up and now he unresponsive" I told him hurriedly as soon as he answered the phone.

"I'm on my way" he said before hanging up.

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