Chapter 7# Alexia Apartment 2#

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"Are you ready for your tour, alexia?"

We were just standing in the hallway looking into the house. Blake pointed to the living room on the right, it had a tall ceiling, and a stone fire place, The walls were empty and the couch a black leather.

He pointed to the kitchen on the left, which had granite counter tops and bright white cabnites, the room was shadded red.

"now down this hall we have a game room, 3 extra bedrooms and then my room, any door unlocked you can go in."

Blake looked down at me, he seemed... almost pleased with himself. There was something uneasy about him though.

'if you call being comfortable around him uneasy.. then hun you got a problem.'

"I can not fall in love"

"Oh babe.. your going to fall for this."

OMG Did i just say that aloud? Quick think of a cover, think of a cover!

"I meant with your appartment.. i wont be staying long.. just untill i can afford my rent."

he frowned at that.

'I hope you change your mind'

What did my wolf mean? What is she talking about?

"Alexia, do you want me to show you your room?"

i nodded, he went down the hall and opened up the room next to his. Walking in i couldn't believe what i saw. The room was my favorite color, a bright blue that matches my eyes, with a little bit of pink, and by little i mean only one wall because i guesss he knew that i dont like pink too much. The bed was a queen sised bed that had the tapestries coming down. In one corner there was a white desk, and tack board, and in another there was a small white whicker chair with a teddy bear on it. Next to my bed a light and a dresser.... i can't believe he did this for me.

"how did you know?"

I turned around to face a smiling blake.

"Your favorite color is blue, because everytime i saw you, you had blue on.. and the pink.. it just seemed to touch it off."

I ran towards him, giving him a hug.

"I can't believe this!! AHH i love you!!"

we both froze.

"Im sorry i say that when im happy..."

how did that slip?

He walked  to me raising my head with his finger, our eyes meeting, it was as if the world froze. I KNOW ITS THAT CHEESY!

"I don't mind."

He turned around leaving me baffled.

he can't like me, how is that even posible?


'yes? wait do you have a name?'

'I do'

'What is it?'

'you'll faint'


'it strikes people'

'what do you mean?'

'another story for another time'

'Please at least tell me your name.'



'yes. why didnt you faint?'

'i dont know what your name means, and were the same person almost.'

'I guess your right.'

'but i am tiered so maybe i should take a nap.'

Laying on the bed i felt at peace.

'good night alexia, thank you'

'good night Legna'


The air was foggy and muggy the wind never leaving my face, I couldn't see anything. My surroundings were covered with people dead, dying, and me trying to find something.



I could see two people, i could see Blake searching through the fog, and another person... She was me. Wait why am i not me? whats happening?

'just watch'

for some reason i trusted the voice.

"Alexia please make your father stop."

the two people meet, holding hands shouting in the wind.

"BLAKE! He's not my father! He's my UNCLE!"

WHAT!!! i need to wake up im dreaming. This can't be happening. My uncle was my dad?!

I felt something shaking me, making me scream even louder.



Blake was sitting on my bed right next to me, his eyes, omg his eyes, it was as if he was almost crying.


I was surprised by my voice. It was week. Blake pulled me on his lap and just cuddled me, i know i should be tense because were not dating, but it was something about him that made me feel,,, safe.

"Would you like something to eat? I made us dinner."

Blake made us dinner?

"Did you burn it?"

we laughed.

Blake you have no idea how much i love you.

"No, i also have candles."

"Sounds to me your setting me up for something."

"Only the future will tell."

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