Chapter 26# alexia

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The cells door opened up, throwing man on the ground. I couldn't make out who it was, but he reminded me of someone. The guards chained him to the wall making him growl in pain.

"It hurts more if you struggle."

The boy looked at me with wide eyes. I looked at him closer, it was Chad.

"Chad!! what are you doing here? shouldn't you be resting? Helping Lilly?"

He hissed.

"What am I doing here? I don't know! all I know is that I have a sister and she is somehow involved in this!"

He has a sister? he never meet.

"What's her name?"

He shook his head.

"I don't know, I was on protrol duty when I was kidnaped, before I passed out they had told me my sister would love to meet me."

He sighed, I looked at him in concern.

"How's blake?"


He shrugged making me growl.

"What do you mean, CRAZY!"

"He's lost without you al, you left him a note saying you were leaving because he is a player, the note had blood And the place was a wreck. He's been trying to find you."

"He brought it on himself."

Chad looked at me in sympathy.

"What did he do?"

"Told me it was all a lie, that I was worthless. after that I wrote a note saying goodbye because he wanted me gone by morning, then my uncle showed up......"

Maybe it wasn't Blake who said that.

"Is it possible that a siren betrayed my mind making me think it was blake?"

Chad thought for a minute.

"How would your uncle have access to sirens."

"He is one,"

The cell door opened up.

"Ah you figured it out, hello niece, hello nephew."

I looked at chad, he's my brother?

"Yes, yes, you to are related. your brother and sisters. aww you didn't know. chad it's a shame."

"What did you do!"

"you mean kill my sister and her mate ---"


"Aww darling don't cry your uncles here for you."

He snickered making me flinch.

I retreated to the Conor of the room. chad was growling lowly, his teeth bared.

"I didn't forget you, dear boy."

Our uncle smacked chad, leaving the room.

"Are you okay alexia?"

I looked down at myself, purple bruises everywhere, cuts still bleeding, bones were bended the wrong direction.

"Yea. are you?"

"I know your lying, don't worry Blake will find us, it's gonna be okay sis."

I nodded. I didn't feel well, I felt useless and weak.

"Stay with me sis, Lucifer will pay."

It was too late, Blake will be too late.

Omg what is with me passing out!!

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