Chapter 31# Alexia

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I don't even know what day it is, what month it is, let alone the year. The only time the guards bother with Chad and I are when they are mad, and need a punching bag, or to feed us seaweed.

YES IM IN THE OCEAN! I'm not chained to the wall anymore, I don't mind swimming, infact i use to pretend i was a mermaid. The same walls, the same food. Chad has given up on trying to escape, every time we would try we would be a punching bag.

"AHHH fuck!!"

I swam up to the ledge where chad sat. We use our human form on this ledge. It's not a lot of room but it's still different.


"Alexia we need to get out of here."

"Try the mind link."

He shook his head.

"It won't work in these walls. they weaken both our mermaid and our wolf."

I sighed.

"We'll be fine chad."

He sighed. Hanging his head, giving me a hug he cried.

"There killing us tomorrow."

I froze, what did we do wrong?

"We didn't do anything, were useless."

I started crying, he held me in his arms. I can't loose him I just found him. He is my brother. I need my mate!

There was a lot of noise, looking down into the water I could see giant ripples.

Chad looked at me jumping in, I following in pursuit.


I swam up to the cell doors to come face to face with my mate fighting the guards.

"Blake! how the heck--"

He turned around, no! he can't be here, he will loose. This isn't his territory and just an oxygen tank will never truly help him.

He smirked at me. Did he really think he could win this battle? Chad was getting mad, he was flicking his tail and holding a fist, I couldn't help but feel sorry for whoever got in his way.

His head was thrown back with his arms held in the air.

'He's learning about his powers.'


With that the cellar broke in pieces exploding half the guards.

Chads face explained it all.

He didn't know what happened.

Blake swam to me hugging me, I didn't want to let go of him, But he will die under here.

I faced the pack.

"Everyone retreat. this is not your territory I will follow you."

Everyone stood in there spots unmoving.

Blake pointed to himself then me and back to the pack, I don't have authority. dammit he's going to be killed!

I grabbed his hand pushing him towards the exit.

"None of you can breathe without these tanks! this is not your habitat. Retreat!"

It looked like everyone was laughing at me, for my concern, for them.

Blake motioned to the door, opening them a hundred mermaids swam to me.

"Princess. Your alive."

"I won't be if they die, please they shouldn't be here. My uncle.."

The merman nodded.

"Blake you have our alliegence, she is the princess, and him the prince we ow you greatly for telling us of this."

Black nodded shaking his hand.

"We need you and your men to take them out of here, fighting here is not for you. We got this covered and will let the princess know."

He looked around to see his men dying, as not in there natural form.

Grabbing me by the arm we retreated, to keep everyone safe.

I'm free!!

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