• Chapter One •

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      The school was huge. Students of all ages and sizes were pushing their way into the entrance, some even used their quirks to fly right over everyone else's heads. Nikki stood there with a wobbling grin on her face, awestruck. She had never felt so...superfluously confused. This school was an amazing school, top rated high school for those with quirks, of course, so why were there so many people? Didn't they only let the best of the best in?

Before the gate stood a young girl with rosewood hair, and one bubblegum eye, the other concealed by a white patch. Nikki.

Nikki shook her head as colors danced before her eyes as if to stop herself from over-thinking, before taking a deep breath and charging into the crowd.

After a lot of 'I'm sorry's, 'excuse me's and 'aw geez, sorry!'s she finally managed to make her way into the school. Luckily she had a map so she found her classroom rather easily, minus having to push her way through all the cliques that were already forming in the hallways.

She breathed before entering her classroom ('Class 1-A, Mr. Aizawa', it had read), and closing the door behind her. She was relieved to find that the classroom wasn't as crowded as she thought, just a few people here and there so she enthusiastically took a seat near the front.

At once she began looking around at her fellow students. They all seemed nice enough. There was a guy with many glowing rings around him, two girls who looked to be twins in the back (they both had extra limbs), and a group of girls who were messing with their quirks in the corner.

"Hey, you're Ridetoshi, right?" A voice cooed.

"Hm?" Nikki spun around to see someone leaning over her desk with an almost amused grin. She had long, curly turquoise hair and bright pink eyes. She also wore what looked to be protective boots.

"Ridetoshi, right?" She repeated.

"Uh- oh yeah. That's me, but you can call me Nikki!" She said with a head tilt as she stuck her hand out for a handshake. The other grinned and took it.

"Well I'm Adara Akira, But if we're gonna be all buddy-buddy, call me Adara. I saw you at the Entrance Exams."

"You did? I didn't see you. If I'm being honest, I was too nervous and focused to look around." Nikki said sheepishly.

"You didn't seem nervous at all when you possessed Hiroki over there." Adara motioned to a boy with long grey hair and blue eyes. He was grinning and leaning back in his chair.

"P-possessed?! Hey- I don't posses anyone!" Nikki exclaimed defensively. Adara put her hands in the air and grinned.

"I thought that was your quirk. After all you locked eyes with him then he automatically began throwing rocks at the enemies, which gave you points."

"Ahh. I have the ability to make others hallucinate!" She said proudly, locking eyes with Adara, "I made him hallucinate that the rocks were his greatest enemy, and because I was the one 'controlling' Hiroki, I got the points."

Adara nodded and took a seat next to Nikki, resting her chin in the palm of her hand and glancing at her. "That's really cool but Hiroki probably wasn't the best person to choose."

"Aw what? Why not? He seemed strong, his quirk is earth manipulation..I think."

"Yep, he can control rocks, and yeah he's strong all right," Adara said, "But also insane. Completely and utterly loco. I know that because I went to middle school with him-"

Suddenly a man entered the room. He had wild disheveled black hair, what looked like really dry eyes and was carrying an orange beanbag in his arms.

He silently closed the door behind him just as the bell rang and everyone took their seats. The man tossed the orange beanbag to the side, stretched and collapsed in his chair.

"Is...is that Mr. Aizawa?" Nikki whispered. Adara shrugged.

"Welcome class, to your first year at UA. My name is Mr. Aizawa, and let's get some things straight. This year, due to some internal complications, we've accepted more students than we ever have at UA...which was a mistake. As in, we're practically overpopulated."

Some students began muttering in the back of the class and Mr. Aizawa eyed them for a moment before continuing.

"Which means that those who fail certain tests or drop below a certain standard will be kicked out."

Immediately the class burst into loud nervous muttering. Mr. Aizawa let this happen for a few moments before speaking again.

"And, since you are all in class 1-A you will need to work harder than everyone else. You will all need to be the best." Mr. Aizawa scanned the silent classroom locking eyes with each student as he spoke, "There is no room for mistakes. And at UA there is no mercy, so I don't plan on showing you any.

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