• Chapter Seven •

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The rest of the day flew by. The tired and sweaty students had returned to their dorms to take showers and then everyone gathered in the main hall to eat lunch. After that, the students had the rest of the day off to mingle and get to know each other now that they knew each other's quirks.

Akio, the timid boy with the glowing quirk was approached by Ayuko, the eccentric twin with muscular arms quirk. The two had been chatting all afternoon, while Ayuko's sister, Ayami sat close by with a mischievous smirk on her face as she watched the two hit it off.

Meanwhile Hiroki, surrounded by ladies (and a couple guys), showed off some more of his rock quirk, only breaking a few windows. However, he kept his eye on Haru Hanako the entire time, unbothered by the tentacles squirming in her eye socket.

Nikki was dragging Adara by the wrist, greeting everyone and introducing her and Adara politely, while the pyro repeatedly said she was tired and wanted to sleep.

The next few hours flew by while everyone mingled and eventually dinner came along as the sun dipped down over the horizon.

And as the sun went down, shadows emerged. The hours passed and midnight approached while the tired students of UA High slept peacefully in their dorms, while a certain shadow slithered along the floor leading up to Nikki and Adara's dorm.

Adara groaned, followed by a sigh as she tossed and turned on the pullout couch. (The two had argued over taking the couch so the other wouldn't have to sleep on the bed, but Adara, being more headstrong, ended up making Nikki sleep on the bed.) However, the pullout was rather comfortable, and that wasn't what was keeping her up. Her mind kept wondering back to that place Nikki had sent her to when she used her quirk.

Why had it been so dark and...disturbing? It wasn't the fact that it was dark and disturbing that kept the pyro awake. The fact was that Nikki had somehow created that world and caused her to see it.

Nikki, the optimistic and childish girl creating this dark world where bloodshot eyes stared at you from every corner? It just didn't seem right. Adara shuddered thinking about it and pulled the sheets up as she flipped over on her side and let out a sigh.

'And I know she made everyone see that place because that's what everyone was talking about..."the creepy world the little girl had sent them to." So it's not like I came up with that place...I really shouldn't the dwelling on this. I need to sleep I'm exhausted.' Adara's eyes drooped from exhaustion, and even though her body was tired..her mind was wide awake.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes, and glanced over at Nikki who lay in bed, sleeping. Adara was caught off guard by the expression on her face.

She looked...distressed. Her brows were furrowed and her hand was balled into a fist, clutching the sheets.

Adara's eyes widened and she stood up. That expression seemed so familiar to her. One of determination...and pure fear...

Adara's mind wondered back to her childhood, and for a moment all she could hear was the sound of glass shattering and screaming. She forced the dark thoughts out of her head and went to wake Nikki from whatever nightmare she was enduring.

'She created that world from her own fears I bet. After all...we all have demons..'

Adara leaned down and began to shake Nikki gently. "Nikki...Nikki, wake up." She whispered, quietly.

The younger one twitched in her sleep, struggling for a moment before shooting up with a sharp gasp and nearly knocking Adara off her feet.

"Woah woah calm down. You're fine. You're fine." Adara said comfortingly as Nikki panted, looking around wildly as if she had no idea where she was. For a moment she looked like a wild animal in a cage, ready to pounce at whatever dared to touch her. Nikki's pale eyes found Adara's bright pink ones and her breathing slowed steadily.

"You..alright?" Adara asked softly. Nikki nodded and forced a small smile.

"Y-yeah..no yeah I'm fine. Sorry, did I wake you up?" She said, resting her shaking hands around her as if hugging herself.

"Nah...I couldn't sleep."

Nikki nodded in understanding and there was silence for a moment.

"Was it a nightmare?" Adara asked. Nikki nodded reluctantly.

"Oh. Those can be rough. I used to get them all the time, I kinda still do." Adara said, looking away.

Nikki seemed to relax a bit and scooted back, patting the bed, encouraging Adara to sit with her.

The pyro hopped up on the bed, her messy, long teal hair falling over her shoulders as she adjusted.

"Do you mind me asking what it was about?" She asked, her bright pink eyes seeming more dull in the weary quietness of the dorm room.

"It was about...family stuff, y'know." Nikki shrugged with a smile. 

"I do." Adara said, "Trust me I get 'family stuff'."

Nikki's smile faded and her face seemed to go pale, as if the memory of the nightmare was sinking in. "The dream..it was about my dad. He was...uhm..he wasn't in the best condition—y'know, in the head, so he made some dumb decisions and hurt my brother and I. The dream seemed so real I thought I was still-" she stopped for a second and looked away. "-I saw my brothers eyes fall out and his face melt away like some clay creature put in an oven. It was dark. That's why I was so freaked out when you first woke me up."

Adara was looking at Nikki with a strong look of concern.

"B-but I get dreams like this often- I mean only when I use my quirk a lot. Messing with other people's heads can mess with your own." She smiled.

Adara nodded with a sigh. "The quirk show off we did today...I didn't even try."

Nikki's eyes widened for a moment with fascination.

"If anything I used 1% of my quirks power. I didn't want to freak people out. So...don't worry. Any more nightmares come along and I'll be able to protect you." Adara said. Nikki giggled.

"But please don't tell anyone. I don't want people knowing my true strength..might freak people out."

Nikki opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by something that sounded like a snake..a hiss and some shuffling as if something was slithering towards them.

Nikki scurried back towards the headboard and Adara jumped up, her hands burning with pink and red flames, licking her wrists as the heat grew.

"Whose there?" She asked sternly, making her way towards the dorm entrance. Suddenly a loud thud came from behind her and Adara spun around to see something disappearing over the side of the bed, with Nikki no longer in sight.

"Ni-!!" At once her vision was blocked by something pitch black, and she felt the force of something hit her head...and the world faded away.

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