• Chapter Eight •

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Haru Hanako's eye opened slowly. Her head was pounding and the world was a blur but most importantly she noticed how hot and dry it was. Her pale, wavy hair was messy and stuck to her sweaty skin and lie entangled around her pale horns, cascading down over her large pink T-shirt she had worn to bed. Haru attempted to swallow only to find her throat dreadfully dry.

'Why is it so hot..?' She thought, then memories flooded her head. 'There was a....noise in my dorm and I looked up and there was a shadow on my wall then....I was knocked unconscious! I've been....!'

"kidnapped..." she whispered aloud mindlessly.

She opened her eye and looked around. She appeared to be in some kind of chamber...the floor was concrete and she was chained to a chair in the centre of a very enclosed space...the walls were made of glass and the ceiling was far above her.

Her heart began thudding loudly as she looked around at the slightly fogged up glass, sweating profusely...then she noticed something.

The other students. They were in chambers next to her.

There was a long row of students all chained or tied up somehow in small enclosed glass chambers side by side.

To her left was Hiroki Jii, his long grey hair was back in its usual low ponytail but he looked disheveled in an old long sleeve shirt. He seemed to be awake but was swaying and seemed to be trying to lift his head. To Haru's right was Ayuko Tsuku, The twin with short cut blue hair was wearing a nightgown, chained down. Her quirk arms were held to the wall above her with some sort of metal device.

"Hiroki Jii! Ayuko Tsuku, wake up!! Wake up please! P-please! Please wake up!" Haru called out, her cracking voice echoing back to her in the small confinement.

The two started to stir, and as they did, a loud noise that sounded like an air horn echoed through the darkness, causing some students to whimper and all to awake.

Hiroki was clenching his teeth, his attempt at being angry seemed to be weakened by something, as he looked around his chamber with wild but exhausted eyes.

All the students began to wake up, everyone attempting to figure out where they were and why they were there. Memories flooded into everyone's mind of their separate events....how they had all been kidnapped by some mysterious shadow.

The air horn continued to sound for a solid two minutes until all students were awake and fully alert.

The horn cut off, leaving the students with ringing in their ears, and a voice cut through the echoing silence.

"Students....I'm sure you're wondering why you're here, so please allow me to explain." The voice was raspy but sharp and seemed to slice through the darkness and emptiness of the chambers.

"As all of you have noticed, UA High, though normally the best of the best, has made an unforgivable error by allowing far more students than usual, leaving not enough room for the truly amazing students, such as myself."

The students were beginning to murmur and tremble.

"Hey! Let me go! Is this some kind of fucking test the school set up, because if so, I'm gonna burn this place to the ground!!" Hiroki Jii shouted out, yanking against his bindings.

For a moment it was silent, then the shadow appeared in front of his chamber, midnight black with nothing but bright golden eyes showing through the darkness. It remained for a moment, unmoving, locking eyes with Horiki's icy blue ones.

Then a gas entered his chamber, and his eyes widened as he cursed and screamed at the figure until, eventually, his head drooped his shoulders.

"Rule one: do not interrupt me." The raspy voice said, those golden eyes closing for a long moment. "Hiroki Jii can still hear, but he will not be able to do much at all for the next hour or so...what a shame. So..where was I?"

"Oh- right." The shadow slithered farther away from the chambers, standing on some form of stage so all the bounded students could see. "The school allowed too many students to enter therefore the school became overpopulated. Due to this, as a senior, I have decided to take matters into my own hands and make sure that only the best of the best get in and stay in. Here's how this is going to work...."

The shadow began seemingly pacing back and forth along the stage while it spoke.

"I shall put you all up to many different tests over the next few weeks whilst I keep you captive here. Nobody is going to find you here, trust me, so there's no point in attempting to call for help or attempt to escape. The tests shall be that of strength, intelligence, compassion, and determination. Failure results in death, and death results in failure. It's that simple. Don't die, if you survive the next few weeks then you shall return to your class and I'll leave you alone forever. Now there are a few rules..
One, do not interrupt me. You know that already.
Two, do not try to escape or trick me. If you do, punishment will be...severe.
Three, you have to participate. If you do not participate- punishment.
I believe that's about it. Now, are there any questions?" The shadow slithered down to the chambers and examined the students.

"Who are you?" Ayami asked, her piercing blue eyes gazing through the darkness, "And why are you really doing this?...it's sadistic."

"Sadistic?" The shadow echoed, "Punishment is required. Also, who am I? Mmm....I am....you all shall call me master." The eyes of the shadow turned upright as if grinning.

"Yeah I'm not calling you that." Ayami grumbled.

"Any more questions?"

The students were all silent in shock as the shadow stood before them.

"Very well, let's introduce our players. I'm sure you'll notice not all of your fellow students are here and that's because I only chose the strongest of you. So..first off we have Adara Akira. Solar absorption. She's being confined in a dark and cold environment of 10 degrees, to prevent the use of her quirk as a way of escaping."

Adara sat chained to the chair, breath coming out in puffs as she trembled yet continued to glare piercingly at the shadow, the dark hoodie she had worn to bed was the only thing providing warmth. Her lips were blue and her skin pale and sickly, her hands balled into shaky fists.

"Next we have Nikki Ridetoshi. Hallucinations. She's got a cloth over her eyes to prevent from locking eyes with anyone and using her quirk. Her sensitive left side is also exposed if punishment is needed."

Nikki was tied to a chair also, though not freezing, she continued to tug against the tight ropes that held her arms and legs in place, while desperately trying to shake off the rags over her eyes. Her long, wild rosewood hair cascaded down over the ash colored sweater she'd worn to bed.

"Akio Sato. Neon ice. His chamber is kept at a warm temperature of 90 degrees to prevent from using his neon quirk."

The neon boy was glowing slightly in his chamber, chained to a chair, he looked drained and tired in his white T-shirt and grey sweatpants, the neon rings around him cooling him off slightly. A few tears trickled down his cheek as he trembled.

"Next, the twins. Ayami Tsuku. Intellect mouth. All I had to do was put a metal clamp over the mouth strong enough to prevent it from using wind."

Ayami looked dull with her grey hair, but her blue eyes were piercing as she glared at the shadow, a bit of blood trickling down from the clamp over her forehead. She wore an old t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Ayuko Tsuku. Extra limbs. I just had to confine them with a strong enough metal so they wouldn't break through. Next is Haru Hanako. Tentacles. I just had to keep her chamber warm and dry enough to prevent any water from allowing her to use her quirk. Lastly, Hiroki Jii. His was difficult since this facility is practically made of rocks. I must keep him slightly sedated and weakened enough for him not to use his quirk. It shall be difficult but it's what I must do.

So, now that you all know why you're here and how I'm running things, I propose we begin the first test."

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