• Chapter Ten •

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    The shadowy figure was standing on what looked almost like a stage, gazing down at the weakened students with eyes full of intrigue. A smirk seemingly donned on its face as its eyes scanned over Nikki and Adara.

"Shall we begin the next test?" It's voice echoed.

The students were silent for a moment before another voice responded, a bold voice. "No."

"Oh? Really? Who said that?" The shadow crept closer to the students.

"Me." Adara stepped forward, her eyes nothing but shadows, as the sound of fire crackling on her fingertips softly echoed.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. I would be careful if I were you. I wouldn't go 100% or you might hurt someone...specifically her," the shadowy figure motioned to Nikki whose head was low and her hand was pressed against the glass to keep her steady as she swayed, on the brink of fainting, "Or them." Then she motioned to the rest of the students, all nearly collapsed from the gas they'd been subjected to, some barely standing, most collapsed against the glass. "If you go 100% in their weakened state they could die."

"Wh- 100%? how did you know?" Adara stuttered, her brows furrowed as hot flames licked at her arms. 'Shadow dick here must've heard me talking to Nikki about my quirk before kidnapping us..'

The figure laughed. "Oh Adara, I know a lot of things."

"Adara!" Hiroki spat, his anger burnt down to a sizzle, "Kick his ass, we'll be fine."

Akio nodded at Adara, his eyes bloodshot from crying as he raised his hand to create protective, icy, neon crystals around each of the students, swaying as he did so, then collapsed from exhaustion.

Adara turned her attention to the shadowy figure, her eyes bright and dangerous as she let out a cry and charged at the figure, bringing an arm back then down on the figure in a bright red and pink fireball. It teleported behind her and she spun around, lifting her arms to create a radiant beam of fire, bathing the entire room in a powerful heat.

The figures croaking laugh echoed. "You call that 100%? You can't even touch me."

"Shut up!" Adara yelled, her hands and arms beginning to burn as heat radiated from her. She glanced at the neon ice Akio had created that was beginning to melt already. 'If I'm going to do something big I need to do it now before the ice melts, I'm out only hope of escaping. They're trusting me.'

Suddenly Adara was hit from behind, sending her gliding across the rough floor. She looked up just in time to see the figure pounce on her, and she created a strong heat blast to send it flying back, so strong her eyes began to water from the pure heat energy so close to her face. She stumbled as she pulled herself up with a groan, then clutched her fist. '100%' she thought, looking around for the figure.

"Ok that packed a little punch." The voice said with a hint of pain in its voice.

"So I hit you?" Adara responded with a pained smirk, glancing down at the burns forming on her arms. She swallowed dryly and clutched her fists tighter, creating a powerful blast. The heat grew and grew and grew until the room was a fiery inferno of pink and red flames, smoke gathering at the ceiling.

Adara clenched her teeth as she raised her hand, making the heat grow to the best of her ability. It singed her hair, burnt her face, arms and legs, and her knees felt weak but she continued to make the best grow, determined to burn this thing.

"Enough!!" Shouted the shadowy figure, a wave a darkness rushing over the burning room, until nothing was left but a thick grey smog. Adara panted and stumbled for a moment before catching herself and clutching her blistered arms.

"I'm...impressed." The figure panted, appearing before her, smoke rising off of it. Close up, Adara could see the noticeable shape of a hood and a thin, boney, tall body.

"Are you..serious..?" Adara managed. "How did you not-"

"You're powerful. More powerful than I thought." Shadows slithered up Adara's legs and she jumped back only to be yanked down harshly to her knees. "Now I want you to listen and listen carefully, Adara. My plan is to save only the strongest people out of class 1-A." The figure whispered, leaning down to meet Adara's own bright eyes. "You are powerful....but I cannot release you until after all the tests are complete. Therefore you shall stay here and fight with the rest of your friends..." the figure paused.

"By the way, I knew this would happen."

"Knew what would happen?" Adara snapped, flinching away from the figures touch.

"I knew that, since you and Nikki are such close...friends, she'd make you feel powerful and you would attempt to beat me...and you would have defeated me had it not been for my protective gear. I knew this would happen and I made sure it happened just so I could have a glimpse of what you are capable of."

"All of that..." Adara panted, "You knew we would try to escape like this..? And you let it happen just to see my quirk..?"

"Precisely. I see myself as a keen, involved entrepreneur...I study quirks if you will and I'm very determined to learn more about them. So please continue to give me all you've got in the future, and when you awake I'll explain how the rest of you're time spent here is going to work. I've decided keeping you all weakened isn't going to work so I've devised another plan."

Adara just glared at the shadowy figure, as if saying 'why are you telling me this?'.

"Well then.." The figure seemingly frowned, it's golden eyes darkening, "Sleep tight."

At that, Adara felt that familiar blunt force at the back of her head and her world slipped into darkness once more.

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