A badass girl who transfers to LA high school after being kicked out of old school. She is someone who you don't wanna fuck with and isn't scared to say or do anything.
Next day of course I had fucking school ugh and the worst part is seeing the guys after what they saw. I get dressed
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Grabbed an apple and head out the door I decided just to ride my skateboard to school. When I got there I just road my skateboard all the way in and through the halls until I got to my locker. I started putting my bag in the locker cause I'm not actually doing any fucking work at all when I look over and saw the guys with a group of girls. Jack was with aspen, Zach with a girl named Kay, Jonah with a Tatum,Corbyn with Christina, and Daniel with ryann. It kinda hurt not gonna lie they all were pretty hot but oh well. I turned back to my locker when someone pushed my head all the way in making me hit my head super hard.
You: what the hell ?: sorry didn't see you You: who the fuck are you Logan: my name is Logan and this is my brother Jake who are you You: Bitch Logan: that's cute ( leans super close to you and makes you back against lockers) no really who are you You: if you don't get away from me you'll regret it Jack: dude back off and she's right don't mess with her Logan: why is your face messed up You: funny could ask you the same thing Logan: excuse me Alya: excuse me you slut don't talk to him like that You: aw that's cute and who are you his sex slave Oompa Loompa Logan: no one talks to her like that( goes to punch you but you grab his fist and twist it behind his back) You: leave me alone got it
And with that you walk away with everyone's attention on you. You decided to skip school today and just go sit on the beach. You were there all day and didn't realize what time it was. School was out and everyone was now at the beach even the guys with there girls. You get up to leave when ryann and Daniel run over to you.
Daniel: hey Angelina wait up You: what Daniel: I saw what happened to you and I'm sorry You: don't be you can't control what happens Ryann: if you need to talk we are here Daniel: I know you have a reputation to hold on to for being the badass but everyone has a soft spot and I want you to know you can be your soft spot around us without us telling anyone You: thx Ryann: anytime....you wanna hang out You: can't I actually gotta go Daniel: well then see you around I guess
The rest of the boys and the girls come over just as you were about to leave.
Aspen: what are you doing here You: could ask you the same thing Aspen: I'm hanging out with people who actually want me here You: really where Aspen ugh your so annoying You: thx so are you
Aspen then grabs jack hands with one hand and then puts the other around his neck and starts making out with him thinking it would make you jealous. It kinda did but you didn't show it you roll your eyes and walk away but of course you didn't walk away without saying
You: that's cute couldn't think of something clever to say so you just make out with your boyfriend and hope to make me jealous or mad and which didn't work but ugh nice try
You left and road your skateboard all the way home. You got home and just stood there outside of your house looking at it not wanting to go inside cause you were scared. You decided to just get it over with so you open the door to see your dad passed out so you just go upstairs to your bathroom. You roll up your sleeve and get a blade
1 cut for being nice for once 2 cuts for starting to have feelings 3 cuts for being ugly 4 cuts for living
I cleaned my arm and went to bed. I woke up and got ready for the day ugh another day of hell.
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You get on your motorcycle and go to school. You got to school and headed straight to your locker not talking to anyone or looking at anyone. You close your locker just to see ryann and Daniel sitting there waiting for you.
You: what do you want Daniel: to talk You: why Ryann: cause we need to tell you something and so do you You: and what if I don't care Daniel: then walk away You: k bye Ryann: no walk away after we talk about it You: why can't I walk away now cause I don't wanna talk at all Daniel: ANGELINA WE ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU (That got everyone's attention) You: YOU CANT HELP ME NO ONE CAN SO STOP TRYING AND FORGET IT IM BROKEN AND GONE AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO ( you ran out the school and get back on your bike and jus ride around the city)