A badass girl who transfers to LA high school after being kicked out of old school. She is someone who you don't wanna fuck with and isn't scared to say or do anything.
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*change the shoes to black high top vans*
You looked in the mirror and you looked good. You heard a knock and the door and found ryann standing there.
You: can I help you Ryann: yes I need to look good for daniel You: right ok Ryann: plz You: what did I say about plz Ryann: right don't say You: come in Ryann: yes
You go to your room and help ryann get ready
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*minus the bow and rose earrings*
You looked at the time and saw the party had already started and your late so that means it's time to leave. You get in your car
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And head to the party. When you get there you see people in the front yard throwing up and people making out on the porch and against walls. You were already annoyed with people so you went to get drinks. You s see ryann and Daniel sitting on the couch extreme close talking. You get the strongest drink there and go outback to climb the stairs to the roof. You sat on the edge watching everyone from above.
???: hey
You turn around to see corbyn and man he looked so hot.
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You kinda wish you could just have him right here right now but then he knows he can get with you Corbyn: wyd up here You: watching everyone don't worry I won't jump Corbyn: good You: why do you care so much if I die I mean once I die you'll just move on and forget me Corbyn: I'll feel bad that I couldn't help save you You: bullshit corbyn Corbyn: no it's not
You get off the edge and lean against it facing him. It turned you on that he cared and to see him even more turned you on even more.
Corbyn: why can't it be like this all the time You: like what Corbyn: you being nice You: because this is who I am the badass the one who gets what she wants and doesn't care and quick frankly it's nice Corbyn: it's nice not having friends and having people scared of you You: having people scared of me is awesome cause then they won't annoy me they'll instantly do what I want or stay out of my way Corbyn: (gets super close to you inches away) And what about friends or relationships You: if I want friends I can get some I mean ryann is basically a friend now and I don't do relationships Corbyn: not even fuck around relationships ( starts kissing your neck not leaving hickies)
You liked him kissing your neck so you didn't do anything but wrap your arms around his neck and put your hands in his hair
You: not even fuck around relationships *moan* Corbyn: are you sure cause I think I just heard you moan You: maybe so what it was one moan and that's because you found my sweet spot Corbyn: whatever
He started getting closer to you to kiss you but you knew if he did you wouldn't stop so you quickly moved
You: I ah gotta go to more drinks
You ran down the steps to the drinks again.
You got a couple shots in until you heard jake yell
Jake: Angelina come play truth or dare with us
You thought so what the hell and got up and to the circle of people playing it was you,jack,Zach,corbyn,Jonah,Daniel,ryann, Jake, Logan.
Jake: who's first Logan: me Daniel truth or dare Daniel: dare Logan: I dare you to make out with ryann for 3 minutes Daniel: alright
They made out for three minutes, ryann ended up having to sit on his lap the rest of the game, Jake had to play 7 minutes in Heaven with random girl, Logan had to get blowjob from random girl, Jonah had to get a random girl to kiss him, corbyn ran up and down the street yelling "I'm drunk and wanna fuck", then Zach had to get 5 girls numbers, I was dared to sit on jacks lap the whole game and I'm pretty sure he had a boner so I teased him. I started moving my hips slowly on him.
Jack: shit You: what's wrong Jack: you You: what did I do Jack: gave me a boner and you are grinding on me *moan* You: want help Jack: (looked shocked) shit for real You: yah hold on
You got up and found aspen making out with some dude you pulled them apart
Aspen: what the fuck You: your boyfriend got a boner and wants help
You brought her to jack and said
You: have fun
Jack looked pissed cause he didn't want aspen he wanted you
You went to the dunk table and took shot after shot until you were definitely buzzed. Ryann grabbed your arm and brought you to the dance floor. You guys danced dirty together mostly so she can get Daniel. You eventually saw her and Daniel go upstairs and then someone grabbed your waist from behind and held you against them. You started grinding against the person. You kept hearing a moan here and there. He made you stand up straight against him and starting kissing your neck. You both were then moaning him from kissing your neck and you grinding against his boner. You turned around to see Zach was the guy. You wanted more but couldn't so you ran outside to your car and went home. If you stayed at that party you would have ended up in bed with one of the guys and you can't have that happen.