A badass girl who transfers to LA high school after being kicked out of old school. She is someone who you don't wanna fuck with and isn't scared to say or do anything.
I turned around to see all the boys standing there with a worried looked
Daniel: what are you doing You: nothing Daniel: that's a lie tell me the truth You: why do you wanna know you don't care nobody does I won't matter if I did anything anyway my dad might be sad cause he won't have anybody to rape and abuse anymore. Jack: Angelina plz don't we care about you I promise You: no u don't you don't even know me Zach: your right but what we do know we care about so plz just come down from there plz
You look at the ocean and back at the boys crying. You wanna jump cause you were done getting hurt but the guys seemed really worried like they really cared so you decided to get down. All the boys run to you and hugged you. You walk to their car and get in but he only problem is there's 5 seats and 6 of you so you had to sit on someones lap. You sat on Daniels lap cause you were closer to him than anyone else. You fell asleep in his arms.
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Sorta like that^^^
You woke up and saw you were somewhere unfamiliar and start to freak out. You heard footsteps coming towards the door so you quickly get up and look for something to protect yourself with and found a lighter. The door opened to reveal all the boys.
Jonah: whoa calmed down and put that down You: sorry I didn't know where I was and freaked and this was the only thing I could find Daniel: it's fine but are you ok? You: yah where am I exactly Corbyn: oh your in Daniels room at our house You: what time is it Zach: 7:53 why? You: shit I gotta go Jack: wait
You didn't listen you just ran out of the house to yours to make it before 8. You run in your house and close the door and put your back against the door out of breath.
Dad: where have you been? You: out Dad: I asked where? You: why I made it back didn't I? Dad: THAT DOESN'T MATTER NOW TELL ME WHERE YOU'VE BEEN NOW. You: at someone's house Dad: you can't have any friends You: they aren't friends trust me Dad: better not be now go upstairs and put on what's on your bed
You go to your room to see one of your moms lingerie on the bed you knew tonight was going to be good. He had something planned and you were definitely scared.
You put on the lingerie and got into bed your dad comes in a few minutes later smirking you climbs on top of you and removes the covers of the bed and takes his shirt off. You looks you up and down licking his lips. He gets up and grabs some rope he brought in and tied your hands above your head and your feet apart across the bed. All you remember was begging him not to do anything and then black...