A badass girl who transfers to LA high school after being kicked out of old school. She is someone who you don't wanna fuck with and isn't scared to say or do anything.
I quietly got up and packed a back of clothes and other stuff I needed and climbed down from my patio cause I didn't want my dad to hear me and ran to Ryann's house. When I got there I knocked on the door hoping she would be there luckily she was
Ryann: oh my god Angelina are you ok?
I forgot I was covered in blood and all banged up
You: plz I need your help can I hide her for a little Ryann: yah ok come on You: thx
She brought me to her room and helped me get cleaned up
Ryann: you need to go to hospital You: no I can't I just need somewhere to stay the night and then I'll be gone I'll figure something out Ryann: you asked for my help and now here's my help your staying with me till we find you a new place what even happened You: jack cheated and my dad escaped came home and abused and raped me again so yah that's what happen my life is back to where it was.... can we go to bed plz Ryann: yah sure we can just share the bed You: ok Ryann: but first call the cops You: what Ryann: your dad escaped and he's back at your house and he raped and abused you again call the cops You: fine
I called the cops told them everything and a few minutes later they showed up at my house. Ryann and I ran outside and watched it all go down since she was down the street. All the neighbors came outside and watched and the boys did too. One cop came at Ryann's house and talked to me. The paramedics had to do a check up on me. They put a few stitches in and bandaged me up and I was good to go.
Cop: I'm so sorry ma'am your father will be secured in prison and no way out you will never have to deal with him again You: I hope so Cop: you have a place to stay Ryann: yah with me You: 😒 Cop: alright well then thank you for your cooperation and have a good night ladies You: but it's morning Ryann: ok come on
I noticed the boys started walking over here so I grabbed Ryann's hand and ran inside and locked the door
You: run and lock every single door and window and don't let the boys in got it Ryann: ok
Few minutes later we finished and there was knocking we just ignored it and went upstairs.
Ryann: I have to work tomorrow will you be ok here alone You: yes I'll be fine and plus I'm just staying tonight Ryann: no your not you can't go back home You: I'm not Ryann: I have a few more hours to sleep we can talk about this when I get back from work You: whatever
I laid down and thought about what I was gonna do I can't go home to many memories plus boys live next door. I'm not living here I can't the boys won't stop till they see me. I have no point in living I lost everything I'm damaged and can't be fixed. I don't even really wanna live anymore. What's the point?
I woke up and left her house and went to the skate park one more time to just do what I love the most skateboard. While I was skateboarding I saw 5 familiar people walking my way and noticed it was the boys so I grabbed my board and ran. The boys saw and ran after me. I ran all the way to the pier. It was kinda scary not gonna lie it was storming really bad and the waves were crazy but in my mind that was a good thing. I got on the railing and was ready to just jump off
Daniel: Angelina stop Jonah: dont do it Zach: you'll regret it Corbyn: we can help you Jack: don't do this I love you You: why should I stop I don't wanna be here anymore and I really actually do wanna do this and no I won't regret it because I just wanna die I don't wanna live there's no point I was a mistake and now I'm just a damaged broken piece of shit that ruins everything and no one can help me I'm not worth saving and you don't love me cause if you did you wouldn't have cheated on me with aspen. I loved you all but I can't do this and I don't want to cause in the end I always get hurt I'm nothing to everyone so what's the point to live....
And in that moment I couldn't take it anymore I jumped....
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It's been reported that a teen girl jumps to death during horrible storm. There were five witnesses who had watched and talked to her and knew her before it all happened
Jonah: we all live next door to her and she was actually abused and raped by her father until one day he went to prison. We all started talking to her and helping her and eventually opened up and let us help her. Daniel: everything was fine she and we are were great friends she even started dating jack and one day the news came on saying her day escaped prison Corbyn: she got scared and we told her we would protect her and wouldn't let anything happen to her and we did until the night of a party we all went and had fun. Zach: she was actually having fun and her mind was clear she forgot everything I don't remember much except her asking me and the boys where jack was and I actually didn't know so she went looking Jack: it was my fault if I didn't get drunk I wouldn't have slept with aspen and she wouldn't have seen us and she would be alive it's my fault she ran out the room I didn't even go after her. Jonah: I saw her run out the room and I ran after her she went inside and I heard the door lock and I went to find a way but it was useless I should have never gave up next thing you know there were cops outside Daniel: we all ran outside to see what was happening and we saw her dad getting arrested again and her getting stitched up in an ambulance we all went to go talk to her but she ran into her friends house Corbyn: they locked everything no way in so we kept knocking it was useless so we went home and fell asleep next day we went to skate park saw her there and she saw us and ran to the pier Zach: we tried stopping her but she didn't want to listen and jumped we were all crushed. Jack: it was my fault
Jonah: we all cared and loved her all we wanted was to protect and help her but we failed and now she's gone.....
*end of story*
Sorry if you didn't like it or wanted more I'm thinking about writing more but it's gonna take time I'll get better at writing this stuff I promise but I hope you enjoyed if not well sorry I guess😶