A badass girl who transfers to LA high school after being kicked out of old school. She is someone who you don't wanna fuck with and isn't scared to say or do anything.
You just finished cleaning and went to your to shower and change
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*you choose one^^^^^*
You went and played music on your speakers and opened your patio door and sat on the bench outside and watched the sunset. You noticed the boys kept looking over at you through the windows but you didn't care anymore you just wanted to sit and watch the sunset. You started getting tired so you went to bed.
Last day of suspension till I got back and try to get expelled. You might be thinking why not just drop out well because that's no fun. You woke up to knocking on your front door and when you open it you see ryann mad.
You: why are you here Ryann: I need your help You: no Ryann: plz I think you'll like this You: why Ryann: I need your help to become a badass so Daniel will like me more You: let me guess you went to school expecting to see Daniel and hang out cause you thought you were close and cool but were wrong and saw him flirting or kissing another girl. Ryann: wow your good You: no I'm just not stupid but I'll help Ryann: really You: sure why not Ryann: thx You: don't thank me plz I hate that word
You taught ryann how to fight and talk and how not to care about anything in the end you kinda liked the new ryann and you guys became close. You guys even dyed your head a little. You had dark brown at the top and red tips and she had brown hair blonde highlights.She was another you but had a soft spot still. She stayed the night so you can help tomorrow at school.
You woke up and got ready for school and so did ryann you helped with her outfit.
Your outfit:
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*minus the nails,bag and shoes you had on black high top vans* that's your new hair too
Ryann outfit
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*minus the bag*
You both got skateboards and left too school
Your skateboard
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Ryann skateboard
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You got too school and everyone was looking at you and ryann but you guys laughed and brushed it off and went right to your lockers. Logan came and slapped your ass. You quickly turned around and grabbed his wrist and held him against the locker
Logan: whoa whoa whoa don't get to feisty on your first day back You: don't touch my ass then ( you let go) Jake: look we came to invite you to a party and you can bring your new friend with You: no thx Logan: oh come on there's gonna be alcohol You: I'll bring my own Jake: so is that a yes You: sure bye
You left to first hour with ryann. You walked in and noticed you were on time and your teacher was back
Teacher: nice to see that your back You: yep and the same as I was so don't get to happy Teacher: ok
You and ryann went to the back of the class and started talking. Then the boys came in and looked right at you and ryann and smirked but Daniel couldn't stop staring at ryann.
You: you definitely got his attention Ryann: yah thx to you You: but play hard to get don't forget that Ryann: I know but you also got the other 4 attention you know they like you You: that's great (sarcasm in your voice) Ryann: your telling me you don't like them You: nope ( lying of course) Ryann: whatever You: wanna tease them Ryann: yep You: grab your stuff we skipping the rest of this class
You and ryann get up and walk the long way around walking right past there table walking slow and swaying your hips. You realized you had a skirt on and bent down in front of them and came back up and walked out of class.
Ryann: you totally gave them boners You: well then they can call there fuck buddies to come suck them off or maybe their different people who cares.
Skip to lunch-
You and Ryann walked in and suddenly it went quiet and you had everyone's attention. You noticed the boys were with their girls but looking at you smirking except Daniel he was looking at ryann and ryann was blushing so bad. You walked to the front of the line grabbed an apple and walked out. Ryann was busy talking to Daniel. You started walking down the hallways looking at the trophies the school had when someone grabbed your wrist and turned you around.
You: what the fuck do you want Jack: you know what we want You: funny but I don't Zach: don't play dumb You: I don't play dumb I play smart unlike you but you don't play cause you are just dumb ( Zach pinned you against a locker)
You: I wouldn't do that if I were you Corbyn: let her go dude You: I don't need you to say shit ok Corbyn: trying to make sure my friend doesn't get hurt You: aw that's cute Jack: why would you do that You: do what Corbyn: you gave us boners and you did it on purpose You: I don't recall and I wouldn't do such thing especially not for you Jack: really wanna talk about Tuesday You: oh yah Tuesday when we made out come to think of it that kinda sucked and I try not to think about it so if you don't mind I'm gonna go and about your boners why don't you call your sluts to come suck them off for you ok see you at the party
You walked off and home school was almost done anyways but you had to get ready for party