A badass girl who transfers to LA high school after being kicked out of old school. She is someone who you don't wanna fuck with and isn't scared to say or do anything.
A few weeks as passed and everything was great. You and jack were dating and the boys were happy about it. Aspen always gave you dirty looks or tried to steal jack but it never worked. You and the boys changed no one was scared anymore. You all became nice and you life was great until...
You saw you the news while at Starbucks with the boys
Xavier Vasquez has escaped jail last night and is on the run if you see or have any information let the police know
You got up and ran home crying and scared.
Your Prov:
I can't believe he escaped jail and he's out running around what if he comes back and hurts me. He's gonna finish his job of killing me I bet. *Behind the door* Jack- babe let us in Zach- it's ok Angelina we are here Corbyn- we can help protect you You- but you can't he's dangerous super dangerous he'll hurt you Jonah- don't worry about us we can protect ourselves we swear Jack- babe just open the door plz You- fine
I opened the door and all the boys fell on top of eachother on the floor
You- wow 😊 Jack-(hugs you) it's ok baby we are here ok we won't let anyone hurt you You- thx Daniel- let's watch a movie to get your mind off everything but maybe at our house just in case You- aha ya ok
I grabbed my phone and went with the boys next door. You-jack I don't have clothes and I'm not comfy Jack- here come here
We went upstairs and he gave me his hoodie and some joggers
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*You choose which outfit you are wearing of his*
You both went downstairs and sat on the couch and you cuddled up to him and watch (Insert movie here) Daniel sat in the couch chair and Jonah layed on the other couch while Zach and corbyn were on the floor with blankets of course for cushion. You all fell asleep where you were.
The boys and I walk in the halls as normal everyone moves to the side but not because there scared of us.... ok maybe they still are but were working on it but mostly cause we don't like people in our way still. We get to our locker and Logan and Jake come up
Logan: so we are having a party tonight you guys in Jonah- I guess why not Jack- what time Jake- um let's say 10 it's a all night party so Zach- alright cool were in Logan- see ya later then I guess You- I don't have a good feeling about this Jack- come on it'll help get your mind off your dad You- whatever
Party time:
The boys and I showed up and there's already drunk people everywhere and people having sex anywhere and everywhere. We all split up except me and jack we stayed together.
Few hours later:
We are all drunk and me and jack are dancing until Logan pulls him away so I just dance with random people turns out ryann came. I started hanging with her surprised she wasn't with Daniel
Hour later:
Daniel came and got ryann and I haven't seen jack so I went looking for him I asked the boy and they haven't seen him and I asked jake and Logan and nothing so I went upstairs. I opened a door and saw two gay guys whoops 😬 and then another door a girl throwing up gross and I was about to open another door but a guy ran out and last but not least the last door I find I open to see jack and aspen fucking....
I slammed the door shut and ran out the house all the way home. I got inside and locked all the windows and doors so the boys couldn't get inside. I went upstairs to my room pulled out my phone and blocked them all on social media and messages. I was a mess but it just got worse....
???: hey sweetie long time no see
You: dad?
He pulled out a knife
Dad: you move or call anyone I cut you and if you don't listen I cut you again got it You; y-y-yes Dad: good now get on the bed
I got on the bed and he tied me up and started beating the crap out of me
Dad: you fucking piece of shit you ruined my life you got me locked up forever and now your gonna pay you are such a mistake.
He just kept yelling and screaming horrible things and even though I listen he still cut me and I couldn't do anything I eventually blacked out.
I woke up and I was naked and in so much pain he raped me and beaten me so bad. My life was gone again. My ex boyfriend cheated on me and my dad came back and raped and abused me all over again. I can't do this anymore I can't be nice I should have never changed. I hate this I hate everything I hate life I don't wanna be here anymore....