A badass girl who transfers to LA high school after being kicked out of old school. She is someone who you don't wanna fuck with and isn't scared to say or do anything.
I woke up the next day with a horrible headache so I went downstairs got water and aspirin and went and laid in bed. My phone started buzzing and it was ryann calling
Ryann- heyyourawakegoodimcomingover You- why? Ryann- becauseweneedtotalkillbringfood You- ok fine
(End of phone call)
Few minutes later ryann arrived and you guys were sitting in your room talking. She got up opened your patio door and turned music on.
You- are you trying to get the boys attention Ryann- maybeorjustDaniel You-of course you were Ryann- anditworked You- yah but you also got all of their attention Ryann- oops Daniel- hey babe Ryann- hey You/rest of boys- wait what Daniel- oh yah we're dating You- shocker Daniel- babe come over and hang out Ryann- but You- go I got plans anyway Ryann- you sure You- yah
Ryann hopped over and went with Daniel and you got ready
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You grabbed you skateboard and just rode to the pier to think about life. You heard laughing and giggling and you looked over and saw all the boys with their girls. It kinda hurt to see that but you were happy to see Daniel and ryann they were cute together. Jack with aspen, Zach with kay, Jonah with Tatum, corbyn with Christina, Daniel and ryann. You didn't understand why it hurt so bad till you realized you actually truly had feelings but for who. You grabbed your board and started to head home till Daniel called your name
Daniel- angelina You- oh crap Daniel- where you going You- home Daniel- hang out with us Ryann- yah it would be fun Aspen- she can't Ryann- why not Aspen- she doesn't have a boyfriend Ryann- so Aspen- so we all have boyfriends Daniel- well he neck says otherwise
You totally forgot that corbyn gave you hickies at the party
You- oh yah huh uh (glances at corbyn) Corbyn- well who were gave you those is very lucky ( said smirking) You- not really Corbyn- oh yah why's that You- cause it happened at party I was drunk and everything that happened there meant nothing Zach/Corbyn- really You- plz if I wasn't drunk I wouldn't have done have the things I did. Look I gotta go so Aspen- bout time You- excuse me Aspen- I said bout time no one wants you here
You punch her right in the face knocking her to the floor
You- next time keep your mouth shut Aspen- what the hell what was that for You- want me to do it again Aspen- ....
The boys plus ryann stood there shocked and the girls were helping aspen and you grabbed your board and left. You got home and went to the bathroom took out your blade and cut
3. For having feelings 3. Liking the boys 1. Living
You cleaned your cuts and went to bed (I didn't feel like writing everything)
You were at the pier staring at the ocean. You heard the people calling your name and turned around to see jack,Zach, and corbyn.
You- ugh what do you want Jack- damn we didn't even say anything and your already a bitch You- yah well your voice just sets me off Zach- why do you hate us exactly Corbyn- yah we never really did anything You- yah you did All- what You- you came in my life ok you flipped it you made me fall in love with you guys and I can't stop thinking about you three god I wish I never met you cause all you do if drive me crazy I hate seeing you with other people but I can't say anything cause that's not me I'm suppose to be a badass chick someone who doesn't follow rules or fall in love someone who makes everyone scared of her no soft spots no feeling no nothing but I can't be that way with you guys here cause I love you three and I can't just choose one for some odd reason. Well I can but I rather not.
The boys stood there shocked until jack grabbed you by the waist and kissed you. The boys just stood there and when jack was done Zach kissed you and then corbyn
All- we love you too
(End of dream)
You woke up from the weird dream and thinking what just happened and then you saw the three boys you didn't want to see looking at you through your open patio doors you quickly got up and close them and went back to bed.
(Sorry this chapter sucks promise I'll make it better)