Tangled Up in You

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"Elijah, scoot over. I'm sleeping in here tonight," you pouted, lifting the cream duvet and snuggling into the bed your best friend was currently occupying.

"Fine," he groaned. Turning his back towards you to resume the peaceful dream that you had so rudely interrupted, he closed his eyes for precisely half a second before you let out a whimper.

One warm brown eye cracked open as he listened to your sniffles. He had an early meeting in the morning, but he could never sleep while you were upset.

Hell, he could barely breathe when you were upset.

He rolled over and wrapped one muscular arm around you, pulling you close to his bare chest. He sighed as if he were annoyed, but it was really just an excuse to inhale the sweet scent of his lovely Y/N.

He always thought you smelled like vanilla, coffee, and oatmeal cookies, a fact that could be attributed to your coffee addiction and your penchant for baking when you were stressed.

"What is it this time?" He feigned disinterest, but his heart was pounding.

"Hayley just called. Marcel asked Sofya to marry him," you whispered, burying your face in the soft hair covering the center of his chest.

Marcel was your high school sweetheart, your first love, and the man you always thought you'd marry. You broke up years ago, after trying the long distance thing and failing miserably. But you'd never really gotten over him, meeting him once every few months for a romantic, no-strings attached, weekend together.

Elijah sighed, kissing the top of your head and thinking for the eight billionth time that Marcel was an idiot.

"The reunion is next week, Elijah. He's going to be there with his new fiancee, and I'm going to look like the pathetic, hobbling ex-ballerina with no one to love her."

"No one thinks you're pathetic, Y/N. Marcel is the pathetic one - he stayed in his hometown and took over his father's company, which was already successful. You, on the other hand, traveled across the country to pursue your lifelong dream. It was an utter fluke that you got injured in that way, and everyone knows that," he replied softly, kissing your forehead the way he always did when you were sad. "You'd be the loveliest, most famous ballerina in the world if it weren't for that abhorrent taxi driver."

His words comforted you the way only Elijah could. And suddenly, you knew everything would be okay.

"Lijah?" you whispered, running your fingers down his chest in an intimate gesture that would help explain why everyone always thought you were dating. "Will you do me a favor?"

Your voice was doing that breathy, pleading thing that always got to him, and he knew without even hearing what it was, that he would do it without question.

"That would depend on said favor," he said, trying to sound grumpy, instead of hopelessly in love.

"Will you come to the reunion and pretend to be my sexy, lawyer boyfriend? I can't bear the thought of going alone when Marcel is there with Sofya."

He let out a quiet chuckle, realizing he should have known that was what you would ask. He had no intention of going to the 10 year reunion from the high school that you'd both attended, but there was no way he was going to abandon you when you needed him the most.

Which, ironically enough, was exactly how he ended up in New York - sharing an apartment with you and your chubby bunny rabbit, Dennis Hopper.

"I guess I can move some things around and join you," he sighed, closing his eyes in frustration. "I'll have Davina book the tickets and the hotel."

Twelve Days Of Smutmas - [Elijah Mikaelson One Shots] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now