The Rub Down

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The air in the locker room was foggy and humid, the soft sounds of calming, new age music flowing through the speakers, as you changed into your plush white robes

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The air in the locker room was foggy and humid, the soft sounds of calming, new age music flowing through the speakers, as you changed into your plush white robes.

"This was the best gift you've ever given me," Caroline grinned, slinging the white towel around her shoulder. "And that's saying something. Remember that one year you gave me tickets to that John Mayer concert, where I tripped over my shoelace and fell face first onto Tyler Lockwood?"

You rolled your eyes at the mention of the guy who broke Caroline's heart just a few months ago, after two years together.

"Caroline, please. You promised you wouldn't bring up the T-word anymore. Wasn't that your New Year's Resolution?"

"Not exactly. My actual resolution was to find someone to replace him," she shrugged.

"And my resolution is to be a better wingwoman, so that you can do just that," you grinned. "Because girl, if I hear the name "Tyler" one more time.."

Caroline quickly removed the towel from her neck and smacked you on the ass with it, causing a couple of snooty older ladies to look at you with disapproving glares.

"At least I know his name," she taunted. "You've been hung up on that nameless fling you had in the mountains for weeks now," she giggled. "Figures you'd want to be Miss Mysterious the weekend you meet your probable soulmate."

You frowned, shaking your head.

"Please don't say he's my soulmate. We met hundreds of miles away and there's almost zero chance I'll ever see him again.. if he's my soulmate, I'm going to wind up an old cat lady."

You gasped when you turned and saw a beautiful blonde woman watching you both, a soft smile playing upon her lips.

"Hello, Caroline and Y/N," she said, in a posh British accent. "Welcome to The Abbatoir Spa. My name is Rebekah, and I will be taking you ladies back to the massage rooms," she explained.

She walked you down a long corridor, tranquil shades of lavender and aquamarine everywhere you looked. You passed a large waterfall along the side wall, the sounds of the flowing water relaxing you even more.

"Whoever decorated this place sure knew what they were doing," Caroline whispered. "I'm ready to fall asleep."

You snickered just as Rebekah pulled open a large white door, gesturing for you to enter.

"Just disrobe and lay facedown on the table. Your massage therapist will be in momentarily." she smiled, before leaving you alone. The room was mostly dark, with only a few candles lit, and the soft tinkle of piano keys was all you could hear.

Untying the bathrobe, you looked at the table. There was an open hole for your face to peek through while you laid on your stomach, and you were grateful you didnt need to make eye contact with the person who was rubbing your sore back muscles.

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