New Light - Kai Parker x Reader

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There was a sudden draft from above your seat at the bar, the chill causing goosebumps to spread across your flesh as you sipped your Black Cherry Martini.

You could see your phone lighting up beside you out of the corner of your eye, but you already knew who it was. With an annoyed huff, you swiped the button to ignore the call.

"Who was that?" Bonnie asked from the stool on the other side of you, and you shrugged in response. No way were you going to answer that truthfully, considering her history with the caller.

"Just some guy. He wants to take me out, but I feel like he could be bad for me."

"Bad for you as in, he could potentially break your heart? Or bad for you as in, he could potentially rip the heart out of any man who looked at you twice?" Bonnie smirked at you knowingly, and you tilted your head.

"Both," you admitted. "You knew it was Kai?"

She nodded.

"Even when he and I were dating - for those five minutes - I knew he was into you. Truthfully, you two make sense together.. all that fire burning on both sides could make for some really hot sex," she teased.

"Lord knows I could use some of that," you admitted, taking another sip of your fruity drink and letting the bubbles wash over your tongue.

"Ooh. Incoming," Bonnie sighed, watching as Kai entered the bar and looked around.

His dark hair looked as if he had spent extra time on it, perfectly gelled into place, and he was wearing a midnight blue sweater you had once told him brought out the color of his eyes.

When his gaze landed on you, a lustful smirk crossed his face, and your breath hitched as he made his way over to your stool.

"Do you need me here?" Bonnie asked, suddenly uncomfortable with the amount of eye sex she was witnessing.

You shook your head, barely registering the sound of your best friend slinking off the stool to find her boyfriend, Kol, in the crowd.

"Hey, gorgeous," he grinned, biting his bottom lip as his eyes danced down your body. You were pleased with his reaction to your outfit - a sleeveless black sweater with a black and red plaid flannel miniskirt - perfect for a Christmas party at the Grill. "You look.. wow."

"Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself, Kai." You took a few sips of your liquor and tried to calm your fluttering heart, suddenly overcome by your nerves. There had always been an attraction there, but now that you had Bonnie's blessing, there was nothing stopping you from acting on it.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go on a little Christmas Eve date with me," he started, twisting the silver ring around his thumb and peeking up at you adorably. "You know, check out the lights and shit on the way to a special place."

"Lights and shit," you teased. "So romantic." Shaking your head, you fought the grin that wanted to spread across your face.

"Hey, feelings are hard," he admitted. "I'm new at this whole thing, remember?" His blue eyes were suddenly soft and pleading, and they tugged at your heart.

"I remember. And I'd love to," you smiled, allowing him to help you down from your stool.

Your eyes met Bonnie's across the room, and you gestured towards the door. She gave you a wink and made the sign for you to call her later, likely so she could make sure Kai hadn't committed any felonies while you were out together.

As you stepped outside in the chilly December air, you shivered, wishing you'd remembered a jacket. Kai circled his fingers and a lovely black coat appeared, and he draped it over your shoulders with a grin. You knew someone inside was likely missing a coat at that moment, but you were thankful for the gesture.

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