Want a Ride?

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The delicate tinkle of the bell above the door as you pulled it open seemed out of place amid the clatter of pool cues and deep rumble of male laughter.

"Uh, Care? Are you sure about this place?" Your shiny black heels clicked on the greasy linoleum tile as you made your way inside the run down bar, barely able to see your best friend through the cloud of cigarette smoke. "And what's that smell?"

"I think that would be the scent of stale beer and sweat, mixed with leather jackets and dirt. And yes, it's safer than waiting on the side of the dark road for hours until the tow truck comes."

There was no hostess stand, so you made your way over to an empty two-top table along the side of the bar.

Caroline removed her wool pea coat, her cheerful red cardigan sweater popping against a backdrop of brown and black and grime.

As you unbuttoned your own coat, you felt all eyes on you, wishing desperately that you'd worn something a little less low-cut than the bejeweled green sweater you'd chosen that morning.

"Why did they decide to have the company holiday party so far away this year, anyway?" Caroline asked, her voice laced with annoyance.

"Well, maybe if you'd listened to your mom when she said you needed to get that knocking noise checked out before we drove out to the middle of nowhere, it wouldn't have been a problem." You rolled your eyes as you spoke, although you were certain Caroline felt guilty enough already.

She cleared her throat and straightened her spine, an indication that she, too, felt as if everyone was staring at you both. Plucking a menu from the caddy on the side of the table and unfolding it, she grimaced.

"I suppose it would be too much to ask the chef to prepare a nice quinoa and kale bowl," she frowned.

You snickered, shaking your head at your prissy best friend.

"I think it would be a miracle to find anything green in here that wasn't of the mold variety," you surmised. "Let's just get some drinks and split some nice, greasy fries."

Caroline sighed, closing her menu dramatically.

"Okay, fine. I guess one night of eating like that wouldn't kill me."

As you waited for someone to come and take your order, you noticed a trio of menacing looking bikers watching your every move.

The man in the center was the best looking, with dark hair, full pink lips, and a sexy smirk. To his left was a woman with long, auburn hair and a nasty scowl, and on his right a man with pasty skin and boring brown hair brushed to the side. The plain looking one was leering at you in a way that made you feel uncomfortable and nauseated all at once.

They observed you quietly as a waitress came to take your order, and as soon as your menus were taken, you turned to Caroline.

"Hey, let's play some pool while we wait, okay?" You liked the idea of moving to a more populated part of the bar, in case those creepers tried anything.

Caroline grabbed a couple of pool cues, handing you the chalk as she racked the balls.

With the cue in hand, Caroline was just about to break when she felt a hand on her back. She jumped up, anger coloring her cheeks a vivid pink.

"Excuse me, I know you did not just put your hand on me," she said, turning towards the round faced man who'd been watching you.

"Pardon me. I was simply unable to resist such radiant beauty," the man said. Caroline rolled her eyes in disgust.

Twelve Days Of Smutmas - [Elijah Mikaelson One Shots] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now