Our Skyy 12-Little Strong The Series (PeteKao)

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Little Strong The Series-PeteKao

Pete: Kao?

Kao: Yes?

Pete: I'm watching this old video called Fear Factor, and one of the games they make participants do, is to make them lie down in a glass box full of things which are scary to them.

Kao: Such as?

Pete: Some kind of buggies or some animal blood or really gross dead fishes and worst live cockroaches.

Kao: And your point is?

Pete: I'm talking about fear, you see, especially cockroaches, cockroaches are the scariest thing-

Just then a cockroach crawls pass the both of them. Without missing a beat, Kao takes the nearest tissue box and beheads the little guy then promptly takes a piece of tissue to clean up the mess but not before squashing the tissue to ensure the little guy is really dead before tossing it into the dustbin. Pete watches in awe.

Kao: Sorry you are saying something about cockroaches being the scariest thing?

Pete: Never mind. I change my mind. The scariest thing for Pete now is Kao killing cockroaches with his bare hands.

Kao: It's no big deal. Consider a warning for your manhood if you decide to be a total pain in the ass next time.

Pete swallows.


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