Kara Zor-El

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Dick Grayson was sitting at his windowsill when he saw it, the meteor crash into Gotham Bay. His eyes went wide, and he was in awe. That was so cool! He thought to himself, but then he decided to go to sleep.

Batman saw something crash into Gotham bay, so he went to take a look. He knew that he couldn't get distracted cuz he still needed to find Tony Zucco, but this could be bad. What he found actually scared him, it was a Kryptonian pod.

"Oh crud." He muttered, as he contacted his friend in blue.

"Bruce?" Rang the voice of the man of steel.

"Umm, Clark. A survivor crashed into Gotham Bat, come here."

"What survivor?" Came his reply as wind was heard, Bruce took a deep breath and said.

"A Kryptonian." Suddenly, he heard a sonic boom, and next thing he knew the pod was being brought to the surface. He followed Superman to the docks and to the pod. When he opened it, they both gasped. It was a little girl, no older than nine.

"Umm, Bruce. Look at her chest." Said a shocked Clark, he did and gasped. She was wearing the symbol that is iconic with Superman.

"Great god, how does she have your insignia?" Asked Bruce.

"No clue, but let's take her to the watchtower for medical help." As he approached her, she opened her eyes slightly. Then smiled, like she recognized Clark.

"Uncle Jor-El, I knew you were still alive." Then she went unconscious, but her words froze Superman in his tracks.


"She knew my father." He said, and Bruce nodded.

"What are you going to do? She's from your planet, knew your father, and is nine years old." Said Bruce, and Clark looked at the sleeping girl in his arms.

"I'm gonna call Lowis, I'm adopting her." Said Superman, and Batman nodded.

"Good, now I'm off. I need to find Tony Zucco, Dick needs his parents murder brought to justice." Then the dark night disappeared, and Superman was teleported to the Watchtower.

Time skip 1 week....

Superman was anxious, he just adopted the girl, and now just needed her to wake up. Lowis was with him, and they were currently in the Watchtower, just in her hospital room. They heard a moan, and looked at the occupied bed. The girl opened her eyes, and slowly sat up.

"Hello." Lowis said kindly, Kara's head snapped to their direction and she looked slightly confused.

"What planet am I on?" She asked, and her voice was just so darn perfect.

"Earth, my husband found your pod at the bottom of Gotham Bay. We brought you here so that your injuries could be taken care of." Said Lowis, and the girl looked scared.

"Why am I here? The last thing I remember is watching my home explode and my cousin head off to earth." She said, Clark stiffened, she actually remembers Krypton and her family, this won't be easy.

"I'm so sorry, but you're the only other survivor that we've found." Said Clark, as he approached the girl, her eyes filled with tears.

"No, no. My mother and father just spoke with me before I got in the pod. They said that I had to go to protect Kal-El. He is just a baby, he has to be here!" She Cried our again, however, Clark decided it was time he told her his birth name.

"I know this must be hard to believe, but trust me. Krypton is gone, we are the only survivors." He said, her head snapped up and she looked at him in shock.

"You're from Krypton?!?" She said in hopeand shock, he nodded, then sat down next to her.

"My name is Kal-El, son of Jorr-El, I'm the last son of Krypton." The girls eyes went wide, as she looked at him.

"What? How can you be my cousin. I just saw you, you were an infant." She said as he sat down by her.

"I know, I don't understand this either. However, we looked, your pod passed through the Phantom Zone, then you arrived here." He said kindly, the girl, her eyes started to fill with tears.

"No, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to protect you, to raise you. Kal, what happened to you?" She asked as tears built up in her eyes.

"I made it to earth and was adopted, I was raised by a good family, then moved to a big city and became a reporter. I became Superman, and also got married." He said, gesturing to Lowis, and Kara, she looked slightly beaten.

"Then I don't have a mission anymore." She said, but then decided she should at least introduce herself to her cousin.

"My name is Kara Zor-El, Daughter of Allura and Zor-El. Daughter of Krypton, and I'm your older cousin." She said, and that made Clark smile.

"Well, I adopted you. You can come live with me and Lowis in Metropolis when you're feeling better, and you'll probably be in Gotham a lot to." Said Clark, as Kara smiled at the two.

"Ok, and Kal, thanks for helping me." She said, as her eyes closed.

"No problem Kara." Said Superman, as he bent forward and kissed her on the forehead. Then he and Lowis walked out of the room, to inform the JLA of the news.

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