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Today, I was in National City, that's when I ran into Psyche. She's a telepath, and she draws on our worst nightmares. Unfortunately for me, that meant reliving my parents deaths. Also, Clark having to come save my hide.

Which leads to where I am now, at the cave. In a new suit, well it's clean. With me glaring at my baby cousin, for he thinks the whole team is needed for this.

"Team, I know missions are usually the Batman's thing, but a new threat has risen and I believe you all are the ones needed to do the task.

"Dad, why? I can handle this fine." I Said, and he just sent me a pointed look.

"No you can't, if you could, I wouldn't have been needed to help you." I narrowed my eyes at him, as he continued to brief the team on the mission.

"What are her abilities?" Asked KF, and I sighed.

"Physic, she draws on your worst fears or nightmares. Making you unable to do anything but relive those dreadful things, and trust me, the more scary and mental scarring, the stronger the effects." At this, Zatana stepped forward.

"How would you know?" She Asked, at this, my already almost depleted patience was gone.

"I know cuz I just battled her, and that's exactly what happened! She's dangerous, and wrecking havoc, sorry if I've bothered you today. I'm going back to National City, maybe I can stop this phsyco down." I Said, as I shove past my cousin and Zeta to the last known area of this woman.

"Well, if it isn't Supergirl." Said a voice, and I turned around.

"There you are, leave these people be." I say, that's when she smirked.

"Oh really? I saw your reaction earlier, let's see. What is the girl of Steel made of?" That's when I was hit by her mental attack.

(This was her battle)


When the team arrived, they saw Supergirl having a panic attack, well, she was sprawled on the floor looking terrified.

"Supergirl!" Cried Robin, as he rushed to his best friend.

"She's unresponsive, what do we do?" Asked Kaldur.

"This." Said Robin, as he dropped a yellow sun grenade. Kara gasped awake, and it took a minute for her eyes to clear.

"Supergirl, what happened?" Asked Robin, but all she did was stand up.

"You guys, stay out of it. This is my responsibility, so please, don't go near her." Then she flew off, to the danger. The team meant them didn't listen, so they followed.

However, not long after they left, they ran into the woman. She faced them and sent a mental attack, it avoided everyone, but Robin. Due to his past, he was sucked into his mind to rewatch his stents fall.

When Kara found her, she saw the team huddled over Robin. I cursed in Kryptonian, cuz he's now watching his parents die most likely.

"Psyche, this is between us. Leave them out of it!" I shouted, everyone turned to look at me, surprised that I was here.

"Let's see what the girl of steel is really afraid of." Said the woman, then she blasted me back. Kara crashed into a building then into the street.

Kara managed to get out of her grief, and took down Psyche. The team was shocked, what just happened?

"Kara, What is going on?" Asked Megan, and Kara sighed. How can she tell them she's part of the DEO?

"Nothing, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go bring Psyche to the holding facility." Then I flew away, leaving the team behind.

"I think you where right, Kara is keeping secrets from us. She might be the mole, we need to face this fact. No matter how much we don't want to, or how much we thought we know her." Said KF sadly, as he looked at Robin. Robin, he refused to believe that his best friend, the girl he's had a crush on for years, was a traitor.

"Well, let's head back. We aren't needed here anymore." Said Kaldur, the team nodded then left National City.

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