This is your fortress?!?

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It's been two days, two days since Astra. Kara has grown worried, it was only a few hours till Myriad would be started.

She knew her uncle would launch it as soon as he could, so that gave her roughly twenty four hours of guaranteed time to search for where the heck it's gonna be launched from or how to stop it.

So far, she's gotten nowhere. This has greatly annoyed her, she has learned from Dick and Bruce how to be a detective, and she can't find anything! Kara decided to go back to her room where her interactive program with her mom was, to attempt and get answers.



"Ok, so have you gone to apologize to my sister yet?" She Asked, as she entered the living room of the cave. The team looked down, and Alex got angered.

"It's been two days, you should have apologized by now!" She Cried out, and Connor flinched.

"We've tried calling her, but she won't answer and we think she is ignoring us." Said Wally, and Alex face palmed.

"Of course she is ignoring you! You literally turned your backs on her, and then ignore her for who knows how long. Then all of a sudden you try to call her, like none of that happened?!?" Alex Cried out, and the team looked down in shame.

"Come on, I'll take you to her." Alex Said, as she led them to the hangar.

"Prep the Bioship, and I'm blindfolding all of you guys." She said, as the team gave her weary glances.

"Can you fly?" Asked Artemis, with a hint of worry.

"No, but I've been flying J'honn's ship for a while now. So, get you butts on board!" Alex ordered, and the team listened. Everyone sat down, and Alex came around and blind folded them all. Then she sat down and took off, towards her sisters Fortress.



We have been blindfolded for so long, I'm starting to get antsy. Where the heck is this fortress of Solitude? I've never even been to Superman's, and I'm technically his son!

"Ok, you can take off your blindfolds now." Alex Said, and we all did. I gasped, we were in some sort of hangar. It looked like on a different planet, I looked behind us, and saw the hangar doors close.

"Are we on another planet?!?" Wally Cried out, I winced, he was too loud.

"No, we still are on earth. Kara just created this place to replicate her home, Krypton." Alex Said, as she headed off the Bioship. We followed her, and entered into this huge hall. Engraved on the walls were these pictures, and a language I didn't know.

"Wow, Who are they?" Zatana Asked, as she pointed to the statues that were carved of ice on the far wall.

"They would be Kara's family, when they were alive. Her mother, father, aunt, uncle, even baby Kal." Alex said, and I felt so sad.

"What's on the walls?" I Asked.

"Krypton's history, all of it. Even the day she exploded and two survivors escaping to a primitive planet for their own survival." Alex Said, and I began to look at the walls.



As they looked on the walls, they heard Kara. She let out a cry of frustration, and started yelling.

"Just Tell Me How To Stop Myriad!" She yelled, and the team all slowly headed to where her voice came from. Alex just ran ahead, not caring.

'Myriad was created by Astra, as a means to save Krypton. However, we saw it as a different thing. Mind control so powerful, that it could be used to take over entire planets.' A monotone voice said, and it was vaguely familiar to the team.

"I know that, but how do I stop it?" Kara Demanded, and that's when the team saw who she was talking to. It was a hologram of her mother.

'Myriad cannot be stopped once it's initiated, the only way to stop it, is to kill the person starting it up.' The hologram said, and Kara just turned.

"No, there has to be another way. I won't go to killing, I can't kill him. He's evil, but Non is still family!" Kara Said, and the team was frozen. Kara seemed all over right now.

'Myriad can only be stopped if Non is killed.' The hologram said, and Kara just punched the floor.

"Is that why you lied to me? Is this why you sent Astra to prison? So you wouldn't have to kill her?!? So she couldn't start Myriad?!?!? Tell me! Why did you send her to prison if Myriad could have saved us?!?" Kara screamed, and the team, they felt horrible. What has she gone through?

'I'm sorry, but I'm not programmed to answer that question.' The hologram said, and Kara just took another step forward.

"Tell me, why did you send me to earth? Why this planet?!? I could have been sent anywhere, yet you chose this place. Why, why not just let me die on Krypton?!?" Kara Cried our, as tears streamed down her face.

'Jorr-El and I sent you and Kal-El to earth for Earth was far away from Krypton, it was in a young star system. There you could live safely, and you would fit in with the people of Earth.' The hologram said, at that, Kara snapped. Years of stress and hurt, finally breaking free.

"But why?!?! All I've faced on this planet was hurt and betrayal! Nobody has accepted me but four people! When I told those I called friends who I was, they turned on me! I don't fit in here, I don't belong! So why did you decide to send me away!?!? TELL ME!" Kara Screamed, But the Hologram just said it couldn't. Alex rushed in, and turned off the hologram. Then she comforted her sister, and the team slowly backed away.

"Shh, Kara. It's ok, you will beat Non. I know you will, you just have to believe yourself." Alex Said, and Kara looked at her.

"Alex, I can't keep doing this. Not alone, I'm not strong enough." Kara Said, and Alex sighed.

"Yes, you are. You just need to have faith in yourself. Now come on, there are some people here to see you." Alex Said, as she helped her sister up. They walked to the history room, and Kara was surprised to see the team there.

"Ok, what's going on?" Kara Asked, as she looked at her sister.

"Kara, we came to apologize. We are so sorry for how we treated you years ago, you didn't deserve that." Said Aqualad, and Kara just looked unconvinced.

"Kara, we were jerks, complete and total jerks. You where right, we didn't turn on the others when their secrets were told, yet we turned on you. For that, we are really sorry." Said Wally, and Kara looked like she wanted to believe them.

"Kara, please say something, anything." Dick pleased, and Kara sighed.

"How can I believe you? You ignored me for days, then suddenly need my help to take down the League. You screamed at me that I was the mole, you left me. I had nobody else then, you were the only friends I had. When you left me, I was beyond hurt. I want to believe you, but I can't. I don't trust you guys anymore." She said, and that just added to the teams guilt.

"Kara, please. Give them a chance, they helped me free you from the Black mercy." Alex Said, But Kara just looked to the ground.

"Then, how do I know you won't turn on me again?" Kara Said, looking up. That's when it happened, the sharp pain in her ears. Kara's eyes widened, and she pushed her hands over her ears. Kneeling down, she tried to block out the pain, Superboy to.

'Kara, I know you can hear me. As can you Kal-El. I just want you to say your goodbyes to those you care for, for in twelve hours. I shall launch Myriad, and fulfill Astra's dream.' Non said, then the noise stopped. Kara stood up abruptly, and she looked upset.

"You have to leave now!" She said, then she went to Alex.

"I need to get you back to Elisa, Myriad is being launched soon, and I have to stop it." Kara Said, but her sister started crying.

"Shh, I will come back Alex, I promise. I won't kill, I'll never kill. It'll be alright, ok." Alex only nodded as she watched her sister fly away, hoping that she was right.

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