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Ok, so I just got back last night. I swear I'm gonna kill Kal, he said it would last a month or a week, no! That stupid mission lasted three months, three months!!!

I have spent the last three months fighting in space, thank rao for the yellow sun and my Kryptonian physiology and, but still. While fighting, some idiot decided to tear my suit. Now I am missing my midsection of my suit, I mean how low can these aliens get?!?!

Anyway, instead of going home, I decided to head to the cave. Might as well start to get used to my team. I was on the Watchtower, so I just yelled to Kal.
"Kal, I'm going to the mountain!" Then I left.
'Recognized, Supergirl B-02.'


Ok, now I know Kara usually goes on missions in space. Those tend to last a while, but we've gotten no word from her in months. That is so not like Kara, and Dicks been worried sick.

I've been keeping my mind off it by being my usual self, and today I'm in the cave helping Supey on his motorcycle.

'Recognized; Supergirl B02.'

My head snapped up, as I saw her exit the Zeta. Somehow she chooses the one that we were by, however my smile soon faded once she came through.

Her dress was torn, and she was covered in all sorts of stuff. Kara also looked exhausted.

"Oh my god! Kara!" I cried out, as I rushed to her side. She gave me a weak smile, but accepted my help.

"Supergirl, what happened? The last time we saw you was when the team started, that was three earth months ago." Said Megan, Who was quite worried for her teammate.

"Sorry, Dad didn't tell me what type of mission we were going on. I'm gonna yell at him later, after mom does. I mean seriously, three months of nonstop battle. It was so intense, all the destruction, all the death, and all the damage it caused. Who knew one planet bursting into civil war would be enough to start a systematic wide war in that star system." She said sadly, and I felt bad for her. Kara is one of my best friends, but she also has suffered the worst.

"Hey, look on the bright side. You're back now." I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, but not for long. I'm being sent to go to some planet, to take over for Shiara. Till they can get a GL over there, I mean I hate having to do that. I'm not even a member of the League, yet they keep sending me on league missions.

Just because I'm alien, don't mean I don't have a life. I'm gonna have so much homework to catch up on, and to top it all off, I've yet to be an active member of this team." She said, and I really felt sad.

"Wait, you're leaving again?" I Asked sadly, she just nodded.

"Yeah, in a few days. But don't worry, I'll make sure I get back within two weeks." She said smiling, I returned it. We got to the bike and saw Kalder there.

"Oh, there you are Wally, Kara?" Asked a shocked Aqualad.

"Hey Kal, Sorry, just got back from space." She said sheepishly.

"I understand, I was wondering, how do you think the others have been fairing?" I helped Kara sit on the ground as I began to work on the bike.

"Well, I don't know since I just got back. However, I know for a fact that anyone on this team is trustworthy. Besides, I'll get to know you all better after I get back from wherever I'm headed in two days." Said Kara.

"I understand, how do you think Artemis is fairing?" Asked Kalder.

"Wait, we have a girl named Artemis?!? How'd Diana react to that!?!?" Asked a eager Kara.

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