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Kara just made it to National City when it happened, everything just stopped, she froze. Everyone was affected, everyone on earth. She pulled out her com, hoping the Watchtower survived.

"Supergirl to Watchtower, please come in." She said, and that's when she got a reply.

"Kara? What's going on?" Hawkgirl Asked, and she sighed in relief.

"Don't leave the Watchtower, please, don't leave the Watchtower." She said into her com, and she knew that it wasn't a straight answer.

"Why?" Hawkgirl Asked, and Kara looked around her.

"Something bad happened, and it's effecting the entire planet, except me, that I can tell. I have to stop this, but you need to stay up there." She pleases, as she flew to Catco.

"Fine, Watchtower now I'm Lockdown." Hawkgirl Said, and that's when Kara lost connection.

Kara landed, and she saw that even Cat Grant was under the influence. Everyone was, She was terrified.

"Cat, please, please. Not you to, I can't do this alone. I just can't, I'm not strong enough. I need your help, I need hope, please, please come back." She said, and Cat actually did.

"What? Supergirl? When did you get here?" Cat Asked, and Kara smiled.

"Miss. Grant, the entire planet has been taken over by mind control. I need your help, please." Kara Said, and Cat stood up.

"Well, What is the issue?" She Asked, and then Kara sighed.

"Non, am escape from a Kryptonian prison, has enslaved the planet. You were under his control till a little bit ago, then, you just weren't." Kara Said, and Cat leaned against her desk.

"I remember what you're talking about, I was in a trance, till you snapped me out of it." She said, and then Kara sighed.

"If only we had means to just free everyone at once." She said glumly, and that's when Non appeared.

"Daughter of Allura, you want to free everyone? How can you do that, if you can't even free them?" He Asked as her sister, James, Robin, and Connor appeared.

"Myriad is our salvation, it is now a weapon." Alex Said, as they began to walk to the ledges.

"Myriad is meant to unite planets, take away their differences and allow them to come together to make peace." Said James, and Kara was beginning to panic.

"It is gonna save humanity, can't you see that?" Connor said, and Kara looked at Cat.

"So, are you fast enough?" Asked Robin, as they leaned backwards. Cat gasped and looked down, Kara she screamed No. Then flew after them, she knew she wasn't fast enough to catch all four. She had to slow down their fall to make it like nothing at all, but how? She gasped, a whirlwind!

She flew faster than she ever has before, circling the building to create a vacuum. To cushion the fall, and it was working, but not fats enough.

Kara knew she can't go much faster otherwise she will get hurt, but she can't let any of them die. So, she pushed herself harder. She passed Mock 4, and was dangerously fast now. But she managed to slow down her friends and family, they gently touched the ground. Kara landed then, she coughed and blood came out.

"I guess you were fast enough." They all said together, before they stood up, and walked off on their separate ways. Kara just lied there on the ground, too weak to move, or even think clearly.

"Supergirl!" Cat Cried our, and she heard the woman's heels running. Then Cat came into her field of vision, and she was worried.

"Are you alright?" The woman asked, as she looked around.

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