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It's been a week since the training exercise, and nobody has heard from Kara, or seen her for that matter. She was still saving the world as Supergirl, just not visiting the cave. The team was all a mess, so Canary stepped up. She knew her hardest case was probably gonna be Megan, Kara seems to be fine.

She called them all to the Cave, and managed to get ahold of Supergirl. When Supergirl arrived, she was wearing a floor length cobalt blue dress, black flats, and a black headband. She was wearing the necklace she always had, and seemed to be fine.

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Ok, so it was time for Kara. I called her in, and she seemed to be scared. That's not a good sign, Clark has told me about her recent missions, maybe this just pushed the poor girl over?

"Kara, I know it must be hard. Having to watch all your friends die, but I need you to talk with me." She said soothingly. Kara just kept hold of the necklace and looked at the ground.
"Kara, please talk with me. It's ok to open up, it's not showing weakness." Said Canary, and Kara just kept staring at the ground.

"Kara, please. I know what your going through." That's when she got a response, Kara snapped her head up and basically flew out of the chair.

"No, you have no clue what I'm going through! This is the second time I've lost everything and everyone I care for! I ALREDY LOST MY HOME, I ALREDY WATCHED EVERYTHING I MNEW EXPLODE! THEN I HAD TO WATCHE EVERYONE I CARED FOR DIE!" This shocked Canary.

"If this is about watching you dad die, I'm sure Superman." She stopped her again.

"Clark isn't my father." But her eyes widened as she slapped her hand over her mouth. Canary was shocked as well.

"Kara, please tell me more." Kara sighed, well, no turning back now.

"I was adopted, Kal, um, Clark. He adopted me when I was nine. Let's just say, i was stuck."

"Please go on, if your not his daughter, how are you Kryptonian?" Kara let out a dry chuckle.

"I'm related to him yes, but not directly. You can't tell anyone this, nobody but Kal, and Lowis now, we'll, Bats too." Canary nods, and Kara takes a deep breath. "My name is Kara Zor-El, I'm the cousin of Kal-El. Better known as Clark, or Superman.

When I was thirteen, my home planet, Krypton was in peril. I was sent to earth with my cousin to protect him. But my family turned me into a nine year old. I was stuck in a part of space we're time stood still, for 24 years.

I remember everything so clearly, everything. I watched Krypton explode, I remember living there. I lost everyone that day, but then I find out my Aunt survived and was a prisoner?!? My kind Aunt Astra, she survived, and now she's some evil woman I don't even recognize.

I am so confused right now, my life hasn't made sense for a long time. I am just tired of loosing everything, I was feeling better. Then, watching watch and every member of the team die, it's shown me how incapable I am.

I was sent to earth to protect Kal-El, but I can't. I couldn't even protect my friends, how can I live with myself, knowing that I'm a failure?!? I've failed everyone, my mother and father, my aunt and uncle, Kal-El, the team, how can I keep going if I'm just a scared girl who is the last of her kind?!?" Kara Said, as she fell to the ground sobbing. Canary was shocked, how could Kara, the bright happy girl that grew up in the League, have so much pent up emotions.

"Kara, I've got nothing to tell you but that you need to tell the team. Holding these secrets, it's not healthy. Please, just wait here for a moment ok?" Canary Said, and Kara just nodded her head as she cried into her knees. Canary exited the room to find the team there waiting anxiously, Connor seemed to have heard Kara crying when she exited the room.

"Where's Kara?" Asked Robin.
"She's done, but I need to talk with her about something. I also need to grab something, so please, Kara will join you in the living room." She said, and the team went to the living room, and Robin jacked the security camera to the room.

The team was shocked to see Kara, the brave strong girl they know sobbing on the floor. When Canary opened the door, Kara looked up. Canary was carrying something under a blanket. She placed it down and knelt next to Kara.

'Kara, please. The world needed your cousin, now it needs you. I know your life has been extremely hard, and that you feel like you don't belong. However, people here care for you. We believe in you, your family believes in you.' Said BC, Kara looked up, and sighed.

'I wasn't able to save my own friends! How can people still have faith in me, if I don't even have faith in myself?!? I also already know Kal and Lowis believe in me.' Canary smiles and places a hand on hers.

'I'm not talking about them.' This has everyone gasp, who's she talking about? She moves and uncovered the thing under the blanket and handed the thing to Kara. Kara's eyes widened at the sight, and she grabbed it.

'That's Kriptonese writing, where did you get this?" She Asked, and the team was confused, how can she read Kryptonian?

'Superman and Batman found it in the pod that brought you to earth, it was something left for you by your mother.' This again had the team in shock, Kara wasn't from earth?!?! They watched Canary turn out the lights, and Kara set the thing down. Then a lady appeared.
'Mom.' Kara breathed, and the team was shocked. The woman looked exactly like Kara, and Kara was wearing the same dress, and he's the same necklace.

The team was beyond shocked, Kara was adopted, and she's not Superman's daughter?!?
'Canary, thank you.' Whispered Kara, and the team could instantly see the difference that the one recording made.

'Now, don't you have a life to get back to?' Questioned Canary, Kara smiled. But her com went off.

'Kal, What is it?' She Asked, But the team saw her smile drop off her face.
'Wait wait wait, slow down. What's going on?' She Asked, and they saw her pale.
'Ok, I'll be there in ten minutes. Sorry Canary, but I've got to go. Luther is trying to destroy Metropolis, and National City. Kal needs my help.' She handed the thing back to Canary, then spun around really fast. Then she was in her suit, only, it was different.
'What did you do to your suit?!?' Cried Canary.
'Space mission, I just adjusted it so I could keep wearing it.' Then she flew off, and to Metropolis. Leaving behind her team, who felt as if they knew nothing of their one member.

"Umm guys, could it be possible, could Kara be the mole?" Asked Wally, Who didn't want to believe it.

"No, she can't be. This is Kara, I've known her since I was nine. Kara wouldn't ever betray us, she couldn't." Said Robin, and the team just dropped the topic.

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