Will you promise me?

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That morning, Annika wakes up on her beloved husband's chest. Annika takes look on his watch, she rubs her eyes and struggles to get up finally. Shivaay wakes up after seeing Annika gets up.

Shivaay: good morning honey.

Annika: what good morning? Shivaay, how could you be so irresponsible? Did u forget that I have class today?

Shivaay cocks his eyes and raises his eye brows in shocked. 

Shivaay: what ? You have class today? U didn't tell me?

Annika gets fake angry on him to just take revenge on him for his prank on yesterday.

Annika: why should I tell you? Don't you know that? Shivaay! Today I have presentation! If I failed to present then my whole group's effort will be into vain! Because of you today, I got to absent to class! U shivaay, I hate you for this! U spoiled my presentation!

Annika gets emotional. Shivaay gets sad to see her emotional face. He is bizarre and bewildered on how to console her or convince her. Only he knows how hard she worked just to complete her design assignment but to hear that he has been a hindrance and spoiled her assignment , he feels really bad.

Shivaay: Annika, sorry. I didn't mean to.. u know. I really missed you yesterday. I can't be away from you. That's why I ... Annika, sorry. Come I will drop you to college.

Annika: what? Are you seriously kidding? Do you even know what's the time now? It's already past ten! My class might be already started at 9.30am! Don't kid Shivaay! Just leave from here! Get out of my sight.

Shivaay feels shocked to see her angry and worried face. Again, he walks near her, stammers for words just to find the right words to convince her.

Shivaay: Annika.....

He hears a loud laughing voice of Annika.

Annika is laughing hard while holding her stomach.

Shivaay gets really perplexed and jaw drops seeing her sudden change in behavior. Like what on earth makes her to change her emotions all of sudden?

Shivaay (waving his hands to her): hello, excuse me..may I know what's going on here?

Annika: shivaay, I pranked you and u believed it! Hahahahaha, today is my off day . No class . I am having off day just like you my pyaari boy. Awwww... your cheeks really redden. Are u scared of me? Am I so bad shivaay? This is not good at all! Don't make me like a villi okay! I am your wife. Don't be scared of me hahahahaha. I should have recorded your that face hahahahaha.

Shivaay looks her confused. Like, how could annika be so playful just like a kid. She is not only his wife but also does like a friend. He couldn't do anything rather than smiling seeing her tantrums. He enjoys and admires seeing that. He is so glad to get her as his wife too.

Annika: shivaay, why are you silent? Are u angry? Like... shivaay.. don't mistaken me. I ..was just playing a prank with you.

She walks near him, places her hands on his shoulder, looking onto him. This is a chance for him to cage his wife. He quickly wraps his hands around her waist tightly , pulls her more into him, make she collides on his chest, he smirkingly kisses her forehead and rubs his nose on her nose makes her blushes.

Shivaay: hey comeon Annika, how could I get angry on you? You are such a gem for me. Definitely I won't okay. Now tell me, how do u feel now? Do I make you blush? Do you want a little more?

Annika: shivaay, what's this? Doing early in the morning. Acha, fine, now leave me. We have freshen up. Dadi might find us at home. Leave me shivaay.

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