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There's just nothing. No one. The darkness surrounds me just like it fills my head. I'm lying on my back on a cold metal floor, only vaguely aware of the fact I'm moving. Moving up. I'm a bit more preoccupied with the pain in my left arm. And the blood. It's staining my formerly white shirt, it's on my hands, under my nails. Seeping through bandages wrapped around my entire forearm. What did they do to me? Who the hell is they? And who's me?

I stop moving. There's voices. And then a blinding light at the ceiling opens up. I scoot back up against the corner, my knees pulled up to my chest. I can only see silhouettes before one of them drops down in the room with me.

"Where is he Alby?" A voice says from above me.


"Hey Newt get down here."

Another figure drops down, neither of them can see me from my place in the shadowy corner.

"Where's the bloody shank?" The blond one asks. More voices come from above, all of them seem to be male.

"There's no Greenie."

"Where is he?"

"What the shuck is going on?"

"Quiet you shanks!" The darker skinned boy yells up at them. "Newt where is he?" He whispers to the other boy.

"I have no bloody clue."

"Are you guys blind?" I say, suddenly annoyed at them. "I right here."

For the first time they turn to my corner. I hear gasps from above. The blond boy tilts his head at me and comes closer.

"It's a girl."

He shouldn't have said that.

"A girl?"

"Lemme see!"

"I got first shot at her!"

They all bend over looking down into whatever the hell I'm in, craning their necks to get a look at me.

"Alby go on up and tell those shanks to get lost, I'll get her out of here."

I'm still curled up in the corner when he crouches down, only a few feet away."

"What's your name Greenie?" He asks softly, probably trying not to scare me, too late.

"Well it's not Greenie." I ask, already pissed at this guy. "What did you do to me?"

He finally sees the blood on me, for just a second he looks afraid, and backs up slightly. The fear is gone just a moment later.

"Your hurt Greenie, come up out of the box with me and I'll take you to the med jacks. They'll get you fixed up. I'm Newt by the way." He reaches a hand out to me. I'm hesitant to take it, but I think I know him, I just can't remember how.

A rope with a loop at the end lowers down, I put my foot in it and they pull me up. The second I'm out of the box a hand closes around my arm and drags me away from the boys surrounding me. It's the other boy from before. Alby, I think was his name. There's a dagger at his waist, and he doesn't know I can use one. I'll get them to talk. I'll get them to tell me what they've done to me.

We're about ten yards from the box and to my luck all the boys have followed us, despite Newts efforts to keep them away from me. Alby stops dragging me, turns to the group, and steps in front of me. Perfect. I'm in his blind spot now.

"Listen up shuck faces, get back to work now, no one come near this girl or you'll be banished before you can say Greenie." That seems to get the message to them and they start to walk away, although not very fast. Newt starts walking towards us, and Albys back is still to me. This is my chance. I grab the dagger from his belt and kick him in the back, knocking him to the ground. He's up in a second, only to find his own knife pointing at his neck. Newt stops moving, as do the rest of the boys.

"Tell me what you did!" I scream at him, "Or I swear I'll have more than just my own blood on my hands!" By now the bandage is almost entirely red, more blood dripping down my hand onto the grass.

"Hold on a second Greenie," Newt says, his arm up trying to calm me down, "You don't want to do this, just come with me, I'll take you to the Homestead and the med jacks will get you clean bandages and I'll tell you everything you need to know."

There's someone behind me. I know it. Newts eyes flickered to above my shoulder, just for a second, but it was enough. I look down at my feet and see a hint of someone else's shadow. He's close. How did he sneak up on me? Slowly I lower the knife, pretending to back down. As soon as Alby reaches for me again I twist around and grab the boy behind me by the shirt and throw him down in front of me, I pull him to his knees and crouch down behind him, my bloody arm wrapped around his chest to keep him near me and the blade pressed up against his neck. I look up at Alby.

"You will tell me everything I need to know right now, or your friend will meet the same fate I promised you."

"Oh I like her already" the boy on the ground says, reaching up to pull my arm away from him, and gets his hand covered with my blood. His eyes widen at this.

"What did she do? Who's blood is that!"

"It's hers Minho," Newt says walking towards us again, "Please Greenie let me take you to the med jacks."

"Answer my questions, what did you do to me? Why don't I remember anything?"

"We did nothing you shank!" Minho shouts at me, which leads to me pressing the knife harder into his neck, not enough to draw blood, but enough to shut him up.

"Greenie look at me. Look at me!"

I tear my eyes away from Minho to look at Newt. He looks afraid, and it makes me want to stop what I'm doing, I almost do.

"I swear Greenie we didn't do anything to you, I'll take you somewhere safe and we can talk." He actually sound sincere, I don't trust him, but I don't trust the others either. So I stand. Pushing Minho away from me, still holding the knife. And I run.

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