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I'm past the trees before I even think about slowing down. But there's footsteps behind me. I go deeper and deeper into the forest, not looking back once. Only hearing the shouts from the three boys chasing me. They've been calling me shank and shuck face a lot. Wonder what that means. But still in all my haste to get away from my pursuers I think back to the boy reaching out to me in the box, the one who wanted to help me. The one I remember.

This makes me stop.

I remember him. How? I've never seen his face, never heard his name, but I remember.

The footsteps jerk me back to reality. Right before Minho grabs me I spin around and kick him in the chest, stunning him for a moment. Buying myself a few precious seconds to climb the nearest tree, still holding the knife. Alby comes into view a few seconds later, Newt not far behind him. For the first time I notice Newts limp. I wonder what happened.

"Aw shuck this!" Minho says from his spot on the ground, making me smile. My new mission in life is to annoy the klunk out of these three. Wait. Klunk? How do I know that word?

"Greenie please come down." Newt calls up to me, only making me climb higher.

"I told you my name isn't Greenie!" I yell back down at him.

"Don't bother trying to get her down Newt, she can't stay up there forever." Alby says, earning a glare from Minho, still on the ground.

"Come down when your ready, please. Just go to the second floor of the Homestead, second door on the right, I'll be there." He says, starting to walk away. Alby follows, but stops when he sees that Minho is still looking up at me, if that isn't hatred in his eyes I don't know what is. He looks about ready to tear the tree down with his bare hands if that's what it takes to get me down.

"I'm starting to like her less." He grumbles. Alby starts to pull him along. And I see flashes.

I'm tied up, so is he. The men and women in white lab coats with the word WICKED on the pocket are dragging him away by the chains connected to his wrists. I can't get to him, my own chains restrain my body, but not my voice.

"Minho!" I scream, "What are you doing with him?!"

"Y/N! Let her go!" He screams, and I feel the chains around my wrists become taut, as more people drag me in the opposite direction. Somehow I break free of my restraints and chase after him, but not before he's dragged around a corner. When I round it, he's gone.

"Minho." It's a whisper this time. I sense someone behind me. I hear a voice right by my ear.

"WICKED is good." It says

And everything goes black.

A blinding red light jerks me from my vision. There's a small creature sitting on the branch next to me, level with my head, I reach out to grab it but it slips out of my grasp. But not before I see the letters printed on it's back. WICKED. I think back to the vision. "WICKED is good." Who we're all those people? Why was Minho there? Did I know him from before? And Y/N? Is that my name? I sit in the tree for hours. Playing through the vision in my head, over and over. Remembering every little detail.

It's nearly dark before I think about coming down. None of the boys have come back since Alby, Newt, and Minho left. By now I'm feeling faint, weak from the blood loss. I try to wipe the blood off my hands, but not much of my shirt is clean enough, it's kinda just worse now.

I use Albys knife to cut through the gauze and bandages on my arm, tearing off the rest. It's hard to see in this lighting, but my eyes widen at the sight all the same. I no longer doubt that Y/N is my name. It's right there. Cut into my arm. Each letter is messy, jagged, hastily cut. Probably by me.

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