Destroy That Shank

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"Your in luck Y/N, tonight's bonfire is extra important, it marks one whole year in the Glade." Newt says to me as we lean up against one of the logs, watching the fire dance.

"Wait you've all been here for a year? I thought Greenies arrived once a month."

"Well some of us we're here in the beginning, Me, Alby, Minho, Gally, Clint, Jeff, Frypan, and a few others you haven't met. We all came up in the box together."

"Gally's the big one over there beating up the small one right?" I ask him, pointing over to the ring where a bunch of Gladers crowd around the two boys, one getting the klunk beaten out of him and the other doing the beating.

"Yea you might want to steer clear of him, and all the builders really, they don't like you much."


We sit for a few moments, the screams of the Gladers in the background. I look over to Newt, he's watching the fire, unaware that I'm watching him, I can see the reflection of the flames in his eyes. Maybe I've been staring too long. I should probably look away. But I don't. Then he sees me looking at him. Shuck. I'm spared the awkward conversation when Minho comes over to us.

"You two gotta see this fight! Gally's been beating on the poor shank for like ever!"

"Well as much fun as it would be to see dumb ass boys beat each other up I'm good here thank you very much."

"Aww come on Greenie," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me up, "There's blood everywhere!"

"Oh well that makes me want to see it."

The three of us make our way to the ring, pushing through the crowd of screaming boys, getting stepped on multiple times. I'm standing right in the front, cringing as Gally repeatedly punches the Gladers face in.

"I thought there was no fighting in the Glade." I scream to Newt, my voice still barely audible over the shouts, some of excitement and some of pain.

"There is at the bonfires." Minho answers for him. I think for a moment.

"Hey Minho, when these two shanks are done how about you and me in there huh? Ever since I kicked your ass yesterday I've been wanting to do it again."

"I'm good thanks."


"Yep." He walks away to avoid me mocking him. I do it anyway.

"Yea it's actually probably good that we don't fight, I wouldn't want to mess up your stupid perfect hair."

Laughing a little I lean over to Newt, "I could totally take him."

"Definitely, but stay out of the ring it's dangerous."

"I love danger."

"Yea Alby told me you said that. You still can't be a runner."

"Fine." I say crossing my arms. The fight finishes, guess who won.

"Poor shank." Newt says as the tiny guy is dragged away by Jeff and Clint. "Put up a good fight though. Better than I would have done."

"Hey Greenie!" A voice from beside us calls. I see a boy with blond hair pushing through the crowd.

"Watch out for him, he's a builder, one of Gally's friends." Newt whispers to me.

The boy holds out a jar half filled with a liquid, "Drink this."

"What the shuck is this?"

"Just drink it!"

I look over to Newt, he shrugs, I guess that means it's ok for me to drink. All the boys are staring at me except Gally and his next victim, already beginning to fight. I take a sip and gag on it, almost spitting it out. But the boys look at me expectantly, so I swallow.

"Seriously what is this!"

The guys start to laugh, turning back to the fight, only for it to end a moment later. Gally remains victorious.

"Any takers?" He yells, turning in a circle to look each Glader in the eye. Everyone is silent, well almost everyone.

"I'll do it."

The boys turn to me, the tiny little girl Greenie, some of the look impressed at my boldness, a few other seem to think I'm just plain stupid. Newt looks horrified.

"Well get on in here then Greenie." Gally says, excited to have someone new to beat up. I'm still holding the jar, so I hesitate, and turn to Newt.

"Am I gonna get drunk if I keep drinking this?"


I stare at the jar for a second, then drink the rest of it in a single gulp, almost like a shot. Apparently I have no regard for my personal safety. I toss the empty jar over to Newt and walk into the ring. I hear whispers.

"That chick is gonna get herself killed."

"Oh yea girl power."

"I bet she can take him, did you see her beat up Minho and Alby yesterday?"


That last one was definitely Minho. But I'm more focused on the guy in the ring towering over me.

"I'll do you a favor and go easy on you all right?" I say to him, smirking.

The guys are loving this. I can hear a few of them whispering to each other, placing bets. I hold my fists up as we circle each other. He makes the first move, throwing a fist at my face. I catch it. Easily. And grab onto his wrist twisting his arm around behind him, he lets out a satisfying grunt. From my place behind him I kick the back of his knees making him fall to the ground. Somehow he twists in mid air and manages to land on his back.

"Oh no I didn't say you could get up." I say to him as I drop down, straddling his chest and pinning both wrists down.

"How are you so freakishly strong?!" He yells, attempting, and failing to get back up. I let go of one of his wrists for just long enough to punch him in the stomach. He might not be getting up for a while.

"Yea you take a minute." I say, smirking as I get up. I'm about to walk back over to Newt when Gally, still on the ground grabs one of my legs and pulls me down. When I hit the ground I immediately roll onto my back to see the builder standing over me.

"I guess this is it for you Greenie."

"Is it?"

I kick both my legs up and they connect with his stomach, in the same place I punched him, making him fly backwards. I jump up and right as he's about to get up as well I kick him right between the legs. The boys all cringe as he falls to the ground screaming. I grab the back of his shirt and drag him out of the circle. The Glade erupts in cheers. Everyone screaming and clapping, well except for Gally and his gang. Let the sulking begin. I walk back to Newt.

"Not bad Y/N."

"Not bad? Not bad?!" I say crossing my arms, "Were you watching the wrong fight? Did you not see me destroy that shank?"

He smirks a little at me, "You know you're kinda a badass Y/N."

"Only kinda?"

"Ok you're very badass. Happy?"


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