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POV 3rd person

"Alright team, we have located Galra ships in this Galaxy there are six of them. We're going to split up go in get destroy the ships communication system and get out. Alright? No fooling around," shiro said looking at Lance,"No unnecessary fights,"he said while looking at Keith.

Everyone else nodded and they headed to theire lions.

Lance walked up to the green paladin. They hugged each other tightly, it was the first mission they went on as a couple.
"You come back to me alright Lance? Please dont try to ne the hero get in and out"
The Green Paladin said pressing herself closer to the blue paladin.
"I'll come back i promise, please look out for yourself out there gremlin" he said giving her a kiss on the head. The others watched with patience they loved the cute couple.
"Alright team lets go" Shiro said with a soft smile.
The two lovers let go of each other and walked to theire lions.

And that was the last time she saw him. The last time they all saw him


Lance was standing in front of the witch who he has been fighting for a while. He tried to stab her with his sword but the witch always was able to disappear.
He tried to dodge the attack that was coming. She had hit him with some kind of her black magic what had brought him to his knees.

"Any last words to your fellow paladins?"

The witch said with her awfull voice echoing from the lilac walls.

"Yeah actually i have. Pidge my sunshine i love you. Please never forget that.
Keith take care of her you big emo, Hunk buddy i love you my best friend. Please never lose your smile.
Shiro lead them to theire destiny. You were like a dad to me. Allura, Coran you two don't give up. Allurayou we're born for something great and Coran take good care of her and stay the crazy uncle you are."

P:"Lance  hold on we ate almost there just a little longer please I love you!"

"I'm sorry gremlin. I love yo-"

Lance was cut of by hid own scream the witch had hit with black and lilac light bolts. Lance felt how he was dying slowly and the worst part was that his teammates his family had to hear him scream.

Suddenly the door broke down Shiro entering and cutting the head off of the witch.

"Don't you give up on me now!"
He felt Pidge's small hands in his cheeks as she was cupping his face. Tears streaming down her face.

"Hey babe, don't cry, i wanna see you smile... can you do that for me?"

"You idiot!" She smiled a broken smile while his eyes slowly closed.

"NO LANCE! Please talk to me stay awake please!"

Keith approached them, he picked Lance up and Pidge held on to Keiths shoulder barely being able to stand. Shiro went a head and hugged her she clinged to him her legs giving up. He picked her up her head resting on his shoulder they ran back to the castle.

"Lance come on don't give up on me on all of us!"

Keith tried to keep Lance talking but wasn't prepares for the next thing.

"Keith promise me to watch over Katie please. I can't die in peace if i don't know what will happen to her."

Keith stopped dead in his tracks.

"You're not dying!"

"I am. So please Keith promise me..."

"Lance, I promise but you won't die! You can't die!"

Keith waited for answer but nothing happened that's when he realized that Lance was dead.
He walked to the castle head down tears in his eyes he was greeted by Coran and a healing pod.

"He's  dead. Pidge,   I 'm so sorry... I should've done something.."

Coran took Lance and put him down in the healing pod to see what happened and with a little hope that he wasn't dead. Lance couldn't be dead.

"Paladins. I am sorry. He gives us no sign of any live. Not even a bit."

As the words left the oldest men he saw how the small one dropped to the floor. Arms wrapped around her belly, nails diging into her skin leaving red marks.

You could see how she started to tremble, to shake. Her breathing was getting shorter and her world started to turn.

She lost him. She lost her beloved one. She failed. 

They all were crying at some point. Shiro tried to hold it back while he comforted Pidge however tears spilled anyways

Hunk was wreck. He jsut had lost his best friend. His bro his buddy. He was broken.

Keith and Allura even if they hadn't had a strong connection to him like pidge or hunk they still were heart broken. Lance was the heart of voltron after all.

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