Keith:Anxiety Klance

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This is going to be about anxiety and panic attacks also it's a bit fluff

It was just as second of anxiety but keith still felt how his breathing was cutting of, how the world felt as if it was only black and white, his eye's were flicking through the room looking for a fixing point. They were at a meeting for the coalition and around all these strangers Keith couldn't find a familiar face. He felt how his hands were twitching. His breath got shorter everytime and suddenly the walls moved in. The room was closing in, people started laughing, judging him and making fun of voltron. They looked disapointed.


Keith heard a voice but god knows who the voice belonged to, he heard so many judging voices.
He tried to get a hold of himself tried to calm down but it only got worse he felt the glares of the other Paladins.

He flinched when something poked him in the ribs. He turned his head to see a confused and worried Lance. A familiar face. He needed to touch him. He needed know that Lance was real and not soemthing his mind had made up.

"Keith are you okay? You look even paler then usual."


Keith choked out the name and he felt the last bit of reality slipping from his hands.
His eyes started to flick around Lance's face and he started to shake. He could hear the first whispers from people noticing his behavior change and those were real. He was making Voltron look weak.

"Keith, hey buddy stay with me."

Lance wanted to calm him by touching but remembered what had happened the first time. He tried to lock eyes with the half galra who seemingly started to hurt him self by scratching his palm.

Lance kept calm he didn't want to panick and stress Keith out even more.

"Princess would you excuse me and the former red paladin for a second."

Allura nodded to answer. Lance carefully grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him out through the back door.

"Lan i cant. I cant breath."
Keith held on to Lance like he was his only support.
Lance tried to calm him with soothing words and back rubs. They weren't to far away from Lance's room they were in the castle of the planet they were staying at.

"Hey Keith, listen to me it's okay. You're save."

He opened the door to the room and sat Keith down on the bad who was still shaking and breathing heavily.

"Keith, think about it. What is real? I am real right? I am here right now and you are save. Here take my hand"

He stretched his hand towards the smaller male and waited for him to take it in his. Keith didn't react so Lance put his hand on to Keiths locking them into each other.
The cuban boy used his other hand to sooth the hair of the other. It was something which helped Keith relax.

"I'm here Keith. You're safe now. It's okay."

Once the shaking stopped Lance put his arm around the shoulders of the other. His hand rubbed the one shoulder of the smaller boy.

"Count with me okay, Keith?"

So Lance started counting till ten and slowly Keith could breath normal again. His mind was still spiralling wich caused him to burst out in tears, his throat burning.

Lance just kept company he kept his hand around Keith's  shoulders, giving him a feeling of safety and love.

"I think it's over now. Thank you, Lance"
Keith said, once the crying was over. His voice was just a whisper and sounded hoarse.
Keith leaned into the half hug and enjoyed the company Lance was giving him.

"It's okay. It's fine now right? It's okay now."

"I felt like i was choking, it was worse then before. What if this happens mid battle? Oh god i would screw up Voltron and the blade and Allura would hate me and you would hate me too and the univers will hate Voltron and then you guys would kick me out on some lonely ass rock and then i will choke and i will never find my mom and i will never be able to find love and i will-"

Lance cupped the face of the other who was trailing of and started rambling.

"Keith i would never be able to hate you. Trust me."

"Are you sure? Cause I'm half galra which means a lot of people hate me and you will to and i will be killed and oh god I am the enemy! Lance I'm I'm the enemy. I am not supposed to be here. What if I'm a spy? I could be a leak and voltron would die and the galra-"

Lance couldn't help but chuckle at the smaller one.

"Keith. You are not a spy and i won't hate-, i can't hate you and i will never be able to hate you. And you won't die alone, you will find your mom and you will have your happy ending okay? You'll be fine."

Keith leaned into the hands with his face.
A soft smile appeared on his face. The boy was making him feel things and even if he didn't like it, it was beautiful. The bond they had was special to both of them.

"Does Shiro know about your panic attacks? We should tell him. He's your brother after all."

"No, we can't tell him. If he finds out he will only be more worried and he already is stressed. Please lance don't tell him."

Keith's hands were still shaking even though he had calmed down. Lance noticed and took his hands in his.

"Lance you won't hate me right? I mean i am half galra, what if, what if i hurt you? Or what if i would go insane?"

"You won't go insane. I'll make sure of that. Come on now try to sleep a bit. I promise I'll stay right here"

They got comfortable in Lance's bed and not even a few seconds later Keith was sound asleep and Lance he was admiring the view.

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