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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
This is an AU where pidge was in a abusive household and escaped with the help of Keith. She then changed her name. "Deadname":Katie Name:Pidge
I've never written something like this before so I hope it's good

Pov 3 person

Pidge how she called herself now woke up sweaty tears running down her face, her breath fast and trembling. Her eyes scanned the room for any kind of danger. Her past had gotten her again. She knew that she was save but hell who knows what could happen right?

She could be captured and abused again, her old "family" could find her and abuse her again.

Pidge untangled her self from the blanket and sat on the side of her bed, her bare feet touching the cold metallic floor. She shivered and got up. She left the room afraid, tears still staining her cheeks. She walked towards the kitchen to grab a drink. There was Nunvil and a few alcoholic drinks from earth they found at a space mall.

The castle was quiete adn everyone was asleep, once in a while you could her the mice in the distant.

When she arrived in the kitchen she saw that the light was on.
No one knew about her past and it should stay that way. She thought about turning around when the door opened and a weary Keith greeted her.
"Pidge? Why are you awake? It's the middle of the night"

The taller boy rubbed his eyes in case he was needed.
Pidge looked at the ground not wanting to worry the former Paladin.
"I had a nightmare and wanted to grab something to drink"

Pidge said her voice was trembling just like the rest of her body she could feel it in her hands and pressed her nails in to her skin, the pain easin her anxiety.

"Oh you eh you wanna talk about it? I can't sleep and talking helps?"

Pidge hesitated Keith knew about her past, he had been there when she escaped it. He and shiro where her family until she was adopted by her biological mother.

"Yeah sure see you in the lounge?"
The raven haired boy just nodded and walked away. Meanwhile the small girl poured a bit of vodka in two cups. She took the bottle with her in case they needed more.

Arriving in the lounge she saw the boy sitting there his arms resting on his legs while his back was bend forward his hands tangled into each other.

"I dreamed about-"
Should she tell the truth? She could lie. Anything was better than talking about her abusive "parents".

"Your past?"
Keith asked without hesitation he had to deal with pidge a lot, she didn't want to be a burden anymore.
A small nod came from her and then she emptied her cup with one chug. The alcohol burned in her throat but it was better than the feeling she was feeling.

"Tell me about it." Keith demanded more than saying it. He wanted to know what was bothering the incredibly cute girl in front of him.

"Well, I dreamed about that one time....


"Get here you dirty little bitch!" The women with the red hair screamed, the child in front of her was 6 and already hurt.
The little girl with light brown hair rushed into her room hiding in the closet.
She was scared her mommy was angry at her. Her mommy's boyfriend had left her because of Katie. That's what her mommy told her and mommy was always right.

The little kid stopped breathing when she heard the door open. Her mom smelt awkward. It was like some one had puked out old bread.

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