Lance: Strangers

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I can't look at you. You're so happy with her. We used to be so happy and now I'm just longing for your love, your touch your whole presences in general.
Everyday you two are on the news. On the internet, everywhere. I'm not save from you anymore. Keep seeing you everywhere, with her.

I miss the thought of forever you and me. I miss the morning with you in my bed.
But you don't even care about me.

It hurts so much. The pain is getting to big to hold inside and seeing you two again.
With all the others who are happy it, just hurts even more. How selfish am i right? Thinking that after almost three years you broke up with me to be with her. And now one year after the break up, I'm still not over you.

You and your pretty face, your soft hands, your beautiful hair, your purple eyes that hold whole galaxy's inside them.

Our memeories haunt me. You haunt me but damnit I love you. I love you so much.

But we're just strangers.

I'm just a stranger to you. You became the representative of the misslead race and she became your queen.

I am not worthy enough for you. I am not good enough for the King, the leader you've become.

"Hello Lance, long time no see."

"Oh hello Allura... how are you doing?"

I asked and put up an act but if i could I would make her disappear so that i dont have to see him with her anymore. I want her to die. No that's wrong.

"Well with being on the news almost everyday with Keith is kind of exhausting but then again it is totally worth it. Oh and I actually wanted to talk to you about something very important."

What do you have on your mind "princess". Wanna put me in more pain by telling me how you two fuck?

"Of course you can talk to me about everything," please dont just, just go away bitch, "go ahead. Tell me what you wanted to."

That brat has the nerves to act as if we were best friends after she stole my boyfriend. What a bitch. Am i really being salty right now? After I cried for two hours?

"Well Keith and I are married as you know and we are Queen and King of two planets and well we are expecting a child."

What. I could feel how all the colour was leaving my face.
She is pregnant? I can't believe it. Oh god. The tears were coming back into my eyes. No. She can't be.

"Wow. Allura that's awesome!"

It's not.

"I am so happy for you guys!"

I'm not.

She kept talking to me but all I could think of was that Keith had forgotten me. He had forgotten me in one year.

We are strangers.

The realization hit me in the face and o felt the tears once more. I need to get away from them. Far away.

"It was nice talking to you allura but uh I gotta go. See ya!"

I stood up while talking some bullshit about seeing her again. I trembled but hid it and as soon as i turned away I could hear her sigh in relive.

She waited for me to go.

I ran away as far as my legs took me. I've been running for a while now i took a break from it and realized that I'm at the old shack. Where it all began.

This must be a joke. I went inside and looked at it. It was still the same. Keith's studies and conspiracy theories where all over the place.

I sat down. Crying.

Just a stranger.

I'm a stranger crying in a shack that most people had forgotten about.

I'm a stranger that people forgot about.

I'm a stranger.

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