Chapter 9

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The Saddist.

I must’ve fallen asleep at one point because it was night when I opened my eyes. The stars could be seen through the trees, but they weren't as bright as the night before Clark died. I couldn't see much due to the light barely making it through the trees, however I know these forests like the back of my hand, but with the darkness, landmarks are out of the question. “Hey Ark, you there?” I asked. “Yeah Issac, what do you need?” Ark booted up. “Can you do your thing and point me towards the tower?” I asked. “Turn to four o’clock from where you’re facing and head straight until out of the forest, then turn to two o’clock from there.” Ark said. “Thanks Ark.” I said.

I walked around the forest for a few minutes before I head voices. “Issac! Where are you?” the first one said. “We know you’re somewhere around here, it’s been 7 hours since you disappeared, now where the hell are you?!” yelled the second. I knew these voices, they belonged to Scarlet and Xero, but as of recent, I don’t know what to expect. I have to be on guard at all times. I activated my powers, but to the degree of being stealthy, but quick. Using Scarlet’s favorite mode of transportation, I flash stepped to the voices, but on top of a branch near them. I confirmed it was Scarlet, but Xero had disappeared.

Suddenly the tree shook which made me lose my balance and fall from the branch landing on my back with a “thump”. I groaned in pain, and coughed from getting the wind knocked out of me, when Xero was on top of me with a knife on my throat. “You know, it would be fantastic if you wouldn’t put sharp objects in my face everytime we meet, but I’m surprised you found me so quickly.” I sarcastically said. “Yeah well, being chased down by second’s agents will do that.” Xero said. Scarlet came running over to where Xero and I were, swords drawn and murderous intent leaking out.

“Jeez Scarlet, did I really piss you off this time? I mean I know I annoy you at times, and I get the same treatment, but is it really worth killing me this time?” I said a little Scared. “No, but what I am pissed about is you no notifying anyone of your location for the last 7 hours! I thought the agents were chasing you down again and this time they killed you! We’ve searched around the lake, and most of the forest, hell we found Red’s body, but no sign of you!” Scarlet had started to scream at me with tears down her face. “Why haven’t you gone to the tower? I was about to go there myself when I heard your guys’s voices.” I said in defeat.

“We went there, but it was swarming with bounty hunters and agents around the building. They didn’t get inside, but they have the place locked down… hard. It’s going to be impossible to get in at this point, but we can take it back at another time.” Xero said. “Jeez talk about wrecking someone’s plans. I love doing it, but hate it when it happens to me.” I scratched my head. “Also, Xero, can you please get off of me? Your knife is starting to cut the top layer of tissue on my skin.” I said.

Xero got off of me, and as I started to get up, Scarlet tackled me down again. “Aw come on! I’ve been on the ground for most of the day, can you-” I started to say, but Scarlet was crying into my chest… again. “You know, Scarlet has been furiously searching for you. She hasn’t eaten since this morning, even when we needed to during dinner time.” Xero said. “She was really worried about you.” Xero added. Scarlet continued to cry, and try to speak, but continuously broke down again. The best I could make out was “After clark died” and “Didn’t want you to” which left me thinking that she was worried I died.

“Well, feelings aside, we need to get to somewhere in secret. If we’re being hunted, not only by other hunters, but also by the agents, we need to get to Summers.  We need to turn in our accomplishment to her as well, but I think that’s going to be tough too. If they have the tower locked down, the have to have the school locked down as well. And to make matters worse, those agents are damn near impossible to kill.” I said. “I mean, who the hell can survive their neck being cut open on top of the bleeding I did to them?!” I yelled. “There may be a way, but it’s….. difficult.” Xero said.

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