The Date

554 21 4

Cassie, Keirstyn, and Darius are walking around the mall with Bags in their hand 

Cassie: is that Zay ?

Zay : You know it is. Wassup Girl *hugs her*

Cassie: I havent seen you in forever how you been?

Zay: Good and you?

Cassie : im hanging in there with the help ofTwinkle Toes over here

Darius: Chill. Wassup Boi. 

Zay: Nothin much selling these tickets for friday night enjoy detroit party

Keirstyn: Who all coming this time?

Zay: Detroit Elevado, prodijee will be performing,Lucas and Jalik are rapping also

Keirstyn: Smoov. Ill be there.!

Cassie:You know ill be there supporting my lil punk here.

Darius: *smirks* 

??: *taps darius on the shoulder* Umm Dario?

Darius:*turns around* Yeah

?? : Omg its really you! hi im Jazzy and im a huge fan of you !

Darius: Hi Jazzy . and thank you .

Jazzy: can i geta picture with you and Cassie? 

Darius : of course

Jazzy hands Keirstyn her phone . Keirstyn takes the Picture

Jazzy: *Hugs Darius ad Cassie* Thank you so much

Darius: Your wecome baby girl. 

she walks away

Zay: You the Man! *laughs*

Darius: Whatever

Keirstyn: Well enough Chit Chat we goota go , good to see you goodbye *walks away*

Casiie: Keirstyn!!

Keirstyn: What Quis just texted me he's on his way to Outback!

Cassie : Oh well lets hurry then!

They power walk to Keirstyns car, puts the bags in the back and drive off.

                                      OutBack SteakHouse

They all get out the car , Darius and Cassie are holding hands.

Cassie: Where is he?

Keirstyn: Chill hes inside he got our table already.

Cassie: Im so anxious!!

Keirstyn : i can tell

They walk in and tell the waiter they have someone holding a table for them.Keirstyn spots Quis and runs over to him 

Quis: Hey Boo *kisses her*

Darius: Quis!!

Quis: You didnt tell me he was gonna be here

Cassie: Keirstyn really quis!

They all sit down..

Quis; Aye man im sorry i was gonna tell you just not now.

Darius: Bro chill it aint that serious . im happy for you

Quis: Just do me a favor , dont tell Calex,Riya,or Tez. Im not ready for them to know yet

Darius: What ever , im just ready to eat!.

Cassie: wow

Quis: wow what Cass?

Cassie; You , with my best friend.

Quis: What you mean! You act like you dont go out with my friend.

Cassie: we dont go out.. We talk

Quis: could've fooled me.

Darius: Bro chill its cool 

Keirstyn: Anyways lets eat?

Cassie: I agree. 

They sit at the table silent. unti l a waitress came and took their orders.

They all had Steak with Baked potatoe on the side.

When everyone gets their food Keirstyn  decides to break the silence

Keirstyn: Im sorry .

Cassie: For what? You like him , its not like what we say is gonna change your opinion about him anyways. Tbh im happy for you guys. id rather it be youwith her then anyone else. Dont worry about what anyone says. ok?

Keirstyn: Ok i gues. 

Darius: I support you guys just as much you support me and Cassie. 

Cassie looks down . 

Darius: Whats wrong ?

Cassie: Nothing. Uh Keirstyn Can i have talk to you really quick?

Keirstyn: uhh sure. we'll be right back

Keirstyn and Cassie go to the bathroom

Keirstyn: Wassup?

Cassie: Me and Darius have been talking for a while , you know. now that you have a boo. im gonna be lonely and in my feelings . 

Keirstyn: yeah so?

Cassie: Well when Darius and Riya are together , i get jealous, but you know i dont have the right to get jealous because we arent together. 

Keirstyn: Yeah.

Cassie : i just wish he would you know make us official. im tired of being just there. i wanna have a title other than just 'Talking"

Keirstyn: Tell him that, He needs to know how you feel.

Meanwhile at the table:

Darius: wow bro. You and Keirstyn! i never seen it coming

Quis : Yeah man she completes me. but enough about me wassup with you and Cass?

Darius: Tbh idk where her heads at. i really have feelings for her but she thinks im messing around with Riya. She gets jealous when we are around each other . like if we are gonna be together i need to have trust.

Quis: yeah i feel you bro. If you really think you love her then tell her when the time is right..

Darius: i think i do. but i dont wanna be the only one i wanna make sure she feels the same.

Quis: Go for it Darius..... Its time.. Its been too long . Yall have been talking for like 1 year and a half . 

Darius:  Shhh. they coming. 

They walk back and sit down . 

Darius: Cassie. i love you i hope you know that.

Cassie: i love you too Darius.

Darius: no cassie i really love you. *grabs her hand* Will you go out with me? like me you, a couple..

Cassie: of course. * kisses him* *smiles*

Keirstyn: Aww shoot girl!. About time Darius. Took you long enough.

Darius: Man Shut up.

Quis: *yawns* Y'all I'm tired so imma slide. See y'all later

Darius: Aye bro Can you give me a ride ?

Quis: Fashoo.

====They all go home====

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