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Its now Monday and they have to go to school
Monday Morning :
Cassie is doing her usual to get ready for school and her phone goes off . She has a text.... She goes over to check it and its from an unknown number , she opens the message and a bunch of pictures of Riya and Darius appear followed by a message.... {You messed with the wrong one , he clearly doesn't want you. Give it up baby girl because if you don't I'll do it for you and it won't be pretty at all . Have a blessed Life}
After she reads that she calls Darius.
Darius : Hello ?
Cassie : Can you pick me up today I really need to show you something.
Darius: of course I'm ready now here I come. Is everything OK?
Cassie: I don't know I just need you to get here .
She hangs up and finishes  getting ready .
Darius gets  there and goes to her room.
Darius: Hey . are you OK?
Cassie hands him her phone showing the message
Darius: That's not Riya she wouldn't do anything like this . someone has been spying on us for a while..
Cassie: How come it isn't her? She clearly doesn't want us together and I'm not trying to put myself in any harm Darius.
Darius: I understand that but let me just figure this out , you ready ?
Cassie: Yeah I am let's go.
They leave Callie's house and go to school , to the cafeteria .
Quis , Keirstyn , Tez , and Calex are at the table .
Quis : Wassup y'all , have you guys seen Riya she ain't come home last night.
Cassie: No but we kinda need to talk to you about her .
She hands Quis the phone and everyone gathers around him .
Tez: You think that's Riya?
Keirstyn: Wait what happened?
Cassie: Darius and Riya were messing around and I seen it for my own eyes in his phone then I said something about it and she acted like she didn't know what I was talking about. I had them both in my room and they down right said it. I told them to leave and He came back the next day and apologized but nothing from her and this morning I get this message.
Quis: You was messing around with my little sister?
Darius: Bro chill out it ain't even like that.
Quis stands up and raises his voice
Quis: Nahh it is like that ..
Keirstyn: Babe chill out . Someone is after Cassie and you worried about something that we all kind of figured anyways.
Cassie: Oh so you guys knew and didn't say anything ?
Keirstyn: You know that's not what I meant ...
Cassie : I know exactly what you meant .
She runs out of the Lunch room crying and Darius runs after her.
Quis: Don't be little bitch now Dario.
He chases her into the bathroom and locks the door.
Cassie : Can you please just leave me alone.
Darius: No I can't and I won't because we talked a bout this already and I said I'm done with her. We is gone be ok . Trust me on that. Don't worry about what other people think and focus on what you think, how you feel because if you care too much about what other people say then they might as well be in our relationship too . I really love you Cass and your making it so hard for me right now . I'm not saying I'm giving up but we need to work through this together.
Cassie: But your putting me through so much and I don't need this stress . I love you too but .... I don't know some things gotta give. Its either me or her. That's all I gotta say .
Darius: are you serious . I would never pick her over you ever . Your so important to me Cassie and I don't think you see it . I love you .
They both stop talking and he kisses her.
They were interrupted by girls knocking on the bathroom door.
Darius: Give us a second b dang ....
He wipes the tears from her face and grabs her hand.
Darius: now we gotta get outta this bathroom and face reality cuz they is gone wonder wtf we was doing in here .
Cassie giggles a little
Cassie: I love you .
They walk out of there hand in hand smiling .

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