The War Continues

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Chapter 1

It has been a month since the war between the Resistance and Cult had started once Deputy Gabriela, Sheriff Whitehorse and The Marshal arrived to arrest Cult leader, Joseph Seed. Things went bad when they walked out of that church unsuccessfully and their helicopter crashed into the forest.

With so much anger and the need of revenge, Deputy Gabi went on a rampage to destroy the properties of the Cults and taking back outposts from the Seed Siblings. She started in Faith's region, Henbane River, saving everyone in Hope County Jail, rescuing Sharky Boshaw, Adelaide Durman and her favourite pet, Peaches. She had many encounters with Fatih who tried her best to convince Deputy Gabi to stop and join them at Eden's Gate, but was always let down when Gabi started her rampage again. But when it came to taking her down, Gabi couldn't pull the trigger and instead telling Faith to run back to Joseph before someone else did.

When it came to John Seed, she had an overwhelming feeling, a feeling that made her not want to do or take anything off him. She forced herself at the beginning, taking two outposts, rescuing Boomer and getting Nick's plane back from John Seed's Ranch. She encountered him once where he had baptised her, cleaning her from all her sins and somehow that was enough for her to leave his region and head to Jacob Seed's region.

When she first put a foot into Whitetail Mountains, she felt that overwhelming feeling again and she couldn't understand why she was feeling like this. Again she had to force herself into fighting the cult, taking the Ranger Station and rescuing the prisoners plus Jess Black from the Lumber Mill. That was when she heard Jacob Seed's voice over the radio, he had sent out hunters to get her. She tried her best to hide from the hunters but it didn't take long for her to feel a sharp pain in her leg and collapsing on the floor, before passing out and seeing a Hunter standing beside her.


When she started waking up, her vision was blurry, her head was pounding and she couldn't move her arms and legs. Her ears were buzzing but as it went away she could hear a man's voice, she blinked a few times trying to get her vision back and as it slowly did, she looked up and made eye contact with the man himself, Jacob Seed. Gabi looked to see she was strapped in a chair and whoever did it, made it hard for her to move around. She looked back into Jacob's eyes and her heart started pounding fast, her mouth and throat instantly went dry.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, it's great to have you with us" Jacob smiled, "you know I've heard a lot of stories about you and what you did to Faith. You took her region off her and gave it to your little Resistance friends. You know what really interested me? The fact that you didn't kill her and made her run back to Joseph". The Deputy watched him walk up and down in the small room he had her in, she was shaking with fear and had butterflies in her stomach that made her feel like throwing up.

"Joseph's grateful that you didn't kill Faith and protected her instead. He thinks you're very special and he wants you part of our family but I'm not too sure or convinced yet. At the end of the day I'm the big brother, I've always protected my brothers and until I see that you are worthy, I'm going to protect them from you" Jacob kneeled down back to her level and examined her. He put the back of his hand on her cheek and moved a strand of her light brown hair, putting it behind her ear. His touch was surprisingly soft, he looked like a rough person but his touch didn't feel like it.

"I'm going to make you strong Deputy and until I'm 100% convinced with you, I'm going to keep you away from my family" Jacob stood back up and stared down at her. He grabbed a small box from the side table that was beside her and started to whine it up, lifting the lid up and sending her into a shaking motion until she completed passed out again.

Soldier's Pet (Jacob Seed X Female Deputy)Where stories live. Discover now