we need to talk 2

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its minutes to 5 pm ,ha is just finishing up with practice when ji arrives


Jin i still dont know what i feel for ji but i don't want to lose him as a friend ,i was scared when he disappeared i thought i might not see him...... am still trying to figure my feeling out


Don't rush yourself iut of fear of losing him again take your time and figure things out now that his back ,from what you're saying its clear that you care about him , talk to him am sure he will understand ,and if he really loves you he'll wait ,speaking of the devil he is over there waiting for you

Ji was standing outside his car at a distance waiting for ha.joon

Ji hey did i make you wait long, ha asked?

lets go ,are you hungry ji asked getting ha's bag and opening the door for him to enter,,the drive was again another silent one and awkward they still haven't talked since the rejection argument and he also has to tell him about kwan

ji's p.o.v

i get there a few minutes to 5 ,he looks cute in his football jersey ,i cant help but smirk,i wish i could hug him,its been close to three weeks since i kissed him at my house, i cant seem to shake it off ,but my thoughts were interrupted when i saw the text on my phone, it was kwan asking me to pick him up for school the next day ,his car had a problem.

Shit how did i even get myself in this mess oh now i remember, i need to find a way to break up with him , without causing a commotion cause i don't know how ha will react when he finds out. I don't want him thinking a moved on so fast just because he rejected me ..(ji )

Ji!!!! Ha shook him for the last time just in time before he bump into another car,he had been daydreaming ..they got to the park and sat somewhere quiet on a bunch, ha started eating his food like there was no tomorrow, ji sat staring at him ...confused and amused not knowing were to start there conversation

Ji:ha i.......

Ha: eat your food is getting cold will talk after ,my mom and my sister are going out for a day ,if its not too much to ask can i stay at yours tonight

Ji froze ,his heart beating so fast and so loud,he could hardly hear himself think......somebody help me......he heard himself screaming in his head ...ha sat there with a cute smile on his face awaiting his answer .....

if still wants us together as friends like before he will let me go with him without acting strange ..........am sorry i lied to you ji...................

YOUR THE ONE I WANT PART 1 Where stories live. Discover now