the truth part 3

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Lee ,who heard the smashing glass over the laud music run to the kitchen to see what was happening...
And found ji standing in the middle of ha  and Kwan

Kwan : i knew you were too close to ji!! ,now your trying to seduce ji!!! You're sleeping with my boyfriend right!?

What's going on?! I heard something break,lee shouted over the loud music but keep quiet and slowly walked back to the party when he saw the situation

Ji grabbed,ha  and Kwan's 's hands and went outside to the back yard

Ji: Kwan, ha has done nothing wrong, am in love with him,iv only stayed with you this long cause of him ,
I was drunk and not myself when I asked you out

Lee,who was  once again looking, for ji finally found him in the back yard,

Lee: ahhhhh....Kwan's boyfriend is outside looking for him , jin drove in with him and left ,

Ji : his what?!

Lee: boyfriend... your boyfriend inlaw

Ha  smirked,knowing pretty well what he did,it was time he got exposed ji looked at him ,and he looked down

Ji did not say a word,he entered the house and went outside to the front

And let the boy in,to the party ...then went close to  Kwan  and whispered

Ji: his very handsome and tall  ,am not mad am happy for you ,saves me the trouble of feeling bad about this,guess we even

The party turned out pretty good,everybody enjoyed themselves even Kwan's boyfriend who had no idea ji was his new ex

he was in shock the whole party ,by 6 almost everyone had gone, except lee who was spending the night at ji's

Ji i have to go,I have a game tomorrow remember,I need to get to the university on time..

Ji put his dog down and walked ha to his house across the street

Ji: ha,I wanted to talk you about yesterday we have both been so busy we didn't get the chance to talk

Ha: yes

Ji: will you give me a chance,to be your boyfriend

if we win the game ,ha said giving ji a kiss on the check and walking into the house

Ji: wait !! You never win


The game turned out to be pretty good ,almost all the departments showed up

Although ha's team lost,cause one of ha's friend accidentally scored in the wrong goal

Ji: why do you even play football you guys suck the last team was even better

Ha: are you trying to die , maybe i should just date jin his my type too

Ji: no no am just joking ,so does this mean you won't give me a chance..please don't joke about jin i already don't like him near you but i have to hold myself cause i know his a nice person and he means alot to you

Ha: with a boyfriend who behaves just like mine

Ji : wait ...what are you serious did you say boyfriend

Ha: didn't you say you want me as your boyfriend

Am so happy ji said,reducing the distance between them

Ha : ji!! Ji!! People

Ji didn't seemed to care where he kissed ha, whether in public or not he loved ha and he would kiss him anywhere ,he could really careless what anybody said

YOUR THE ONE I WANT PART 1 Where stories live. Discover now