avoiding ji

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Ha left ji after there talk and went to meet up with his jin ,he was only getting back home to 9 pm.he got home and was greeted by his dog, his sister was also home watching tv

he was walking past the table to his room when he noticed a bag that looked familiar laying on the chair

Ha: rose who is here

Rose: oh ji is here ,are you guys dating........cause his too cute to be dating a you

Ha rolled his eyes and ignored his sister ,rushing to his room ,he found ji coming out of the shower , with a towel wrapped around his waist his abs visibly exosed as he dried his hair with his other hand

Ha's ears suddenly got red and he become tense

Ji stood there smirking walking towards can ............

Ji: can you pass me pants on the bed.....were have you been its 9 p

what are you doing here.............ha said handing him his pants and turning around face the other direction.

Ha turns around when he feels ji has his pants on and storms to the livingroom

Rose: what are you shouting at me for amah was the one that invited him over cause he said he was bored home alone

Ha: mom!!!............ how could she do this

Rose: take a bath ,you smell really bad ...your foods on the table ...and dont be mean to ji or am telling mom you came home late tomorrow

Ha: fine but am using your bathroom

Rose: what are you crazy ,why dont you use your own bathroom

Ha: because you and ma went behind my back and invited ji without my permission

Ha got his towel and went to take a shower in his sisters bathroom with his changing clothes,he got back and found ji watching tv with rose

Ha: ( way to inset yourself into my family he whispered to himself siting on the dinner table)

Ha eat his meal like he had not been staffing himself earlier ,how could a small person eat this much and not get fat ,where did all the food go ,ji wondered looking at ha eat smiling

Ha eat his meal and went to the kitchen sink ,he did not realize ji had followed him ,he was placing his plate in the sink when he felt a body behind him ,he got startled at first and hit into him ,ha turned around in between ji's hands with his back lening against the sink . Ji was staring at poor ha like a he was ready to eat him alive

he touched his lips gently ,and ha knew exactly what he wanted ....

Ji: it's late we should go sleep

Ji grabbed his hand and walked past the living room , rose was now fully awake ,watching the next chapter and giggling to herself

Ji dragged ha to his room and the moment his bed room closed his pulled him closer,do you want to tell me why you have been acting weird.................and avoiding me...you don't want to spend time with your friend? Been trying to call you since you left me , checked with jung and even asked lee and your friend jin through jung

Ji got the shock of his life when ha grabbed his shirt and kissed him,his brain almost stopped to function for a moment

Ha:fine am jealous ,you're an asshole ,but i think i know what i feel for you....so yeah are you happy ! Iv said it it...

Ha: ji............

Ji kissed ha,he was confused but happy these are the words he had been dying to hear for such a long time,ha did not resist or push him away he willing gave himself to ji

YOUR THE ONE I WANT PART 1 Where stories live. Discover now