the truth 1

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Ji and ha got the gift and went back home,which was now ji 's apartment cause he could not leave ha alone,moving closer to ha was to help him ajust and not miss him too much ,but it was the opposite he became more obsessed and addicted to him...


he would sometimes leave his apartment and spend the night at his place, to make matters worse after sleeping with ha he become more protective of him

Ha: ji i cant sleep here again,kwan will be coming to get things ready for his birthday you did tell him he could have it here

Ji: fine ill go to your house ,i know your mom is out

Ha: ji no

Ji: i just want to spend time with you,we have both been so busy we haven't really spent much time together

Ha: ji i have been sleeping at your place for days now and you only didn't see me yesterday for a few hours and i slept in your house and we just went shopping together

Ji moves closer and runs one of his fingers over ji's lips ,biting his own ,then looks up at ha,pulling him closer to him

Ji: fine ,if i can't come with you let me kiss you good night until am satisfied

Ha: what can...t

it was too late,ji had already pressed his lips against his ,tin had stopped hearing no from ha, when it came to kissing him cause he loved doing it, he would ask and still do it even when he said no...but what they did not realize was that rose was standing on the window,she heard ji's car pull up and was watching them talk while she drunk her glass of water which she almost chocked on after seeing ji pull his big brother in and kiss him

come to my apartment ji whispered ,his voice sounding lustful almost chocking on his words cause he wanted and needed ha

Ha grabbed his bag and run for it ,towards his house ...that ji now started laughing from amusement

Rose: i knew it ,so you and handsome ji are a couple,thats so cute.......its sad again ...i think he would look so cute with lee.............wait why are you kissing ji isnt he dating kwan from your department everyone knows that, i hate that guy, he always targets rich guys i wonder what ji even saw in him ..You're not all that but i would rather he date you if his desperate for love

Ha: haha very funny ,what do you mean he targets rich guys?

Rose: remember tee ,the rich half thai/ korean handsome boy from lee's department he found him drunk at the bar last year with his friends and am told they talked and boom they were a couple ,he has done that to four other guys so far...i heard rumors that he's cheating on tin with a student from another university too am just not sure yet

Ha: rose are you sure about what You're talking about

Rose: yes his sister is my class they dont get along very well so she always talks about all the bad things he does .....ill ask for the guys name tomorrow and the name of the university

Ha: ley!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you thank you so much, you don't know what you have just done but i cant tell tin yet untill i find the whole truth make sure you ask your friend

Rose: ahhh get off me stop touching me ....before i change my mind

Ha run to his room,put his bag down and threw himself on the bed,feeling happy that he loved ji and he would be with him in future without making him break up with Kwan for no good reason ,he now had a reason all ne needed to do is prove if what his sister had said was right

he slept for a while ,eat and went to have a bath.....he could finally have a day to just sleep without work or anything,he had also gotten to see some good friends who he hadnt seen for some time

he was coming out of the bathroom when he heard a bark ,he quickly changed into some loose pants and a t shirt and went to the living was ji's dog haji

Rose: ji came while you were in the shower ,he says haji was lonely so he brought him here and you should take him back after ten minutes so you have to take him now i guess

Ji: the dog or him .....

he picked up ji's s dog got some slippers and went across the road to take the dog,he found the door unlocked so he entered and found ji half naked ,only sweat pants on, drying his wet hair with a towel

Ji smiled ,he got his dog put it down and pulled ha into a hug, ha was about to push him back when he felt a tear drop on his shit

Ji: i missed you so much i don't think i can sleep with you ....i really need you

can: is that why you're crying...well ill be back tomorrow am not very don't have to be dramatic about it ..

oh're really something special...he smiled, it always took ha a long to get things even when a moment was happening..

Ha: will you let me go now,rose is alone i dont want to live her alone for too long

sure lets go ji said kissing ha on the forehead and letting him go

Ji walked ha over with his dog in his hands and stopped on the gate ,

Ji: i know you let me kiss you cause you are used to it,sorry i hurt you the first time i couldn't control myself ,ill wait for as long as you want,i know you might not fully love me or understand your feeling even if you said you like me ....

Ha cut ji short and kissed his check

Ha: i love you ji,am in love with you..i have been since you reappeared after going missing i just didn't realise it

Ha said those words and run into his house living ji competently stunned with a beating heart which he could not contain because it was almost exploding at that moment

YOUR THE ONE I WANT PART 1 Where stories live. Discover now