we need to talk 3

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author P.O.V

first of all thanks for being here reading this right now , i feel kinda sorry for ji he is so confused and doesn't know how tell ha about kwan

what is wrong with ji he has been acting very weird lately ,he almost crashed his car today...should i ask...ir maybe its not a good idea it might be to do with what happened between us .

it was 8 pm when ha and ji got home but to ha's surprise there was no one at home, ji had been so confused he forgot to tell can it would only be the two of them because his brother , had traveled to the states for a week

Ha: where is everyone ? why is your house so empty ?

Ji:oh they traveled give me your bag, you remember where my room is right

can: oh your room,you dont have to do that ,i can sleep in a spare bedroom ,just show me ...i really need a bath too i feel so dirty after the football practice

Ji, ignores can and puts his bag in his room and shows him the class shower ,its glass like the one in his house but more fancy ,ha looks around the room while ji goes out to the kitchen to prepare something for them to eat

Ji goes back to the room about 15 minutes later when he realised he forgot his phone on the bed and finds ha coming out of the shower with wet hair

Ha: hey can i have a towel ,i need to wipe my hair..........tin!!! hey....

Ji opens the drawer and takes a small towel out going to were ha was standing with his dripping hair and starts wiping his it...his facial expression slowly starts changing .....a face ha knew too well....ji was about to kiss ha when the timer in the kitchen went out

Ha comes to the kitchen after dressing and finds ji finishing up with the cooking

can: what are we eating it looks so yummy i cant wait to teast it ,it smells good too

smirks ,ha was really like a child an innocent child who was pleased with the simplest of things,loved eating ,and enjoyed football and games , i guess my brother was right ..ever since ha.joon came into my life i have found my smile ji thought to himself

Ji puts everything on the table ,while ha looks for a movie for them to watch

Ji asks he could go have a quick bath before eating he was feeling sticky and sweaty, he leaves his phone with ha , asking him to pick up his calls if anybody calls ,which might have been the biggest mistake he had ever mad

as soon as ji got in the shower,his phone rung and its kwan calling

YOUR THE ONE I WANT PART 1 Where stories live. Discover now