i didn't mean for you to find out like this part 2

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later that afternoon ji followed ha to his department but sadly he found him busy with his football practice  so he decided to wait

30 minutes into waiting ,Kwan is walking past the football ground with his friends and spots ji.ho ,unfortunately he could not run or hide but he sure wished he was invisible,so he sat with him half listening to what he was saying and day dreaming about ha

Ji had completely lost himself in thought that he did not hear kwan say bye,the next thing he felt was a kiss on his face and looking in front surprised he came face to face ha 's raging faces he could almost feel the heat from were he was standing 

Lee was looking for jung. later after the practice when he found ha sited alone in the locker room

Lee: hey ha what are you doing here all alone,have you seen jung and ji has been looking all over for you he says you just disappeared off the ground

Ha: i dont want to see that asshole friend of yours..how are things going with jung do you think you have a chance his different from foolish me

Lee: but what happened i thought you were friends now,did something happen between you too

Ha( deep in thought) did ji tell him something ,ha didnt know what to tell lee,should he tell him his now in love with ji after he plainly rejected his friend saying he only wanted to be his friend 

no i need to avoid him,and not see him very often,if i get mad alot he will suspect am jealous of his relationship....am not...really am not!..right...

Lee: ha!! back to earth...were are you

Ha: oh!! right sorry i ...yes ill go find him...oh here's jung ...jung! Lee is looking for you

Ji: hey were did you go,i know i keep messing up but its not what you think,i didnt kno.............

Ha: hahhahahahah what are you apologizing for he's your boy friend come on lets go am hungr


Ha: i feel like noodles and fried chicken

Ji: ha you're not listening please listen to me!

Ha: okay fine ill just get bubble tea with extra cream

Ji suddenly kisses ha out of frustration and he goes quiet

Ji: please keep quiet  ,your talking too much,lets go eat and talk .......please am tired of being misunderstood

Ha: why did you kiss me asshole 

Ji: its not as if you were giving me an ear to talk like rational people, you were getting louder and changing the topic when i was trying to explain ..

Ji explained the whole incidence to ha  over food ,  but ha asked him to stay with him seeing as how his birthday party  was coming up then talk things out later...which seemed like the most reasonable and practical thing to do given the situation.

Ji: i can't give him what he wants ha,i can't be with him any minute longer its touring me when my heart belongs to someone else ,i know i promised to be friends with you,but you're the one i want the only one am in love with and am willing to wait no matter how it takes

tin: ill only be with him for one more weeks after  the birthday and things he has to know the truth,you're the one i want whether as a friend or not  i dont need a boyfriend or anybody else

YOUR THE ONE I WANT PART 1 Where stories live. Discover now