the truth part 2

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Ji couldn't believe what happened the previous night ,did ha really say he loved him,

He woke up early and run across to ha's s ,house

Rose had just woken up and was going to the bathroom,when she heard a knock on the door ,which she reluctantly went to open

Rose: oh morning ji,why are you here so early did something happened

Ji: no is ha awake ,I wanted to talk to him

Rose: no his not,he left a note saying his going somewhere with a friend,and he will be back before the party ends

Ji: wait what!! Did he say ,where his going,what friend....,okay thanks rose I'll give him a call

Rose: I don't think,that will be possible ,his phone is over there on the table,I guess he was in such a hurry he left it

Ji: do you know the friend he left with,what's his name..

Ley: I don't know his name ,but his a super handsome and tall p'  I think his ha's senior i have only seen him once can't remember his name

Ji: ,thanks rose I need to go,call me if he shows up I need to go Kwan and his friends will be here soon

Rose: sure no problem

Ji: don't forget to come

Rose: thanks ji but I can't make it ,I actually have planes with my friend today..but I'lltry to come if we finish on time

Ji gave rose  a warm smile and left ,Kwan and his friends after a good 30 minutes


Ji: thanks for helping me jin,am sorry for bothering you on your resting day

Jin: its not a problem,besides i actually have no plans for the day , i hate doing nothing all day  ,and I told you to call when ever you needed my help

Ha: thank you,still am greatful,I really need to know the truth before things go any where

Jin: you really sound like you care about him a lot,he must mean a lot

Ha: yes ,I actually didnt know much about feelings or love ,so I was not sure what I felt when I met him ,he bought me a phone and we had to kiss  as payment , i agreed cause i had accidentally broken mine by accident.i agreed to pay back but he wanted another payment weekly thats how we got to know each other ,i really hated him at first  and then I got to know him

Jin: oh that's sweet,.... Sounds very familar oh we are here,I called a  friend ,his a senior here so he knows the guy though  we have to wait till 11am and its only 8 ,do you want to get some food and drive around

Ha: actually very hungry.... ,I haven't eaten anything yet and my stomach hurts,

i just hope ji won't be mad when i get home after leaving my phone home ha thought to himself

It was 20 past 11 when , jin and ha arrived at the university ,luckly the lecture had not yet started,

Jin called his friend and shortly his friend came out with a young man ,you could tell as he got closer that he was a very good looking guy and had a rich background

The two guys left the two boys to talk ,while they started a conversation of their own

Ha: you must be Kwan's boyfriend right

Boy: yeah,do you know each other

Ha : am sorry ,could you repeat that ,did you say Kwan is your boyfriend

Boy: yes who are you,how do you her

Ha: oh we are in the same department, he's having a surprise party at his cousin's place today,we wanted to surprise him ,would you please come

Boy: I can't right now I have a three hour lecture ,but I can make it for 14,can I have your number

Ha: sure,it will be there till 6 pm so call when you're done

Ha,waved at jin , giving a sign that they were done,he quickly said his good byes and went they went to the car

Jin: what's with that smirk on your face

Ha: ji always does it,I thought i would try it

Jin smiled at ha shaking his head

It was now 1 the party was just getting started,the house was full of their university friends ,even rose who couldn't make it passed by with her friend before going to the mall ,
Everyone was laughing, drinking and enjoying themselves,

Ji got Kwan's hand and took him outside,handing him a big box

Tin: here ,I got this for you..I hope you like it

wow tin thank you so much,this is so beautiful isn't it a little expensive you didn't have kwan lied clearly very pleased with the gift

Inside the box was an expensive leather jacket with matching leather boots, a brown teddie bear and super expensive headphones.

it's your birthday you deserve all these things ji said, they were still talking outside when ha arrived ,giving both a huge smile

Ha: did I miss anything ,am so hungry is there any food, sorry am late happy birthday  kwan i brought you a present too but its a surprise .

The thought of ha being around ji irritated Kwan,but she had to suck it up,for ji and the money

he noticed the way ji looked at ha,it was different from the way he did with him and everybody else

Kwan: sure there is a lot, go in

Ji's little dog recognized can and run to him ,excitedly wagging its tail

He picked it up and went to the kitchen to look for food

He did not realise ji had followed him behind ,kwan  also followed ji

Ha had just finished eating a pie he got ,and was getting a glass of water when he felt, heavy breathing on his neck

Kwan ,had caught up with ji and hide behind the kitchen entrance watching

I really missed you,ji whispered from behind can,locking his finger with ha's

Kwan stood there speechless

Ha: ji ,stop there so many people here ,how do you think kwan will react if he walked in right now

Ji: I don't care ,don't ever leave again,without saying a word,i called jung,lee do you know how worried I was!

Ha: ji

Ji,turned ha around,lefted him up on the kitchen counter , got in the middle and kissed him....with both passion and anger

Then a loud scream came out of no were and there was a loud sound of a glass breaking

Tin,stopped kissing ha and came face to face with Kwan ,his eyes brown full of anger and lust ...

YOUR THE ONE I WANT PART 1 Where stories live. Discover now