Interviewing and Observing Behavior

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Goals, Purposes, and Types of AssessmentReliability and ValidityInterviewingTypes of InterviewsPotential Threats to Effective InterviewingBehavioral ObservationsChecklists and Inventories

Physiological Testing

Since the foundation of psychology, assessment and testing have been important activities.

Psychological assessment is the process to collect and evaluate information to

make diagnoses, plan treatment, and

predict behavior.   




 Assessmentmay include     

interviewing the patient, reviewing past records (such as medical or school records), observing behavior, and administering psychological tests to measure various




family, and

even biological factors. 

Psychological testing involves specific assessment techniques utilizing reliable and valid testing instruments. These instruments enable the psychologist to compare individual scores with the scores obtained from normative samples.

Goals,Purposes, and Types of Assessment    

People ask questions such as:

«Am I crazy?»«Is my child mentally retarded?» or «Is my child gifted?»«Why do I feel so depressed when things in life appear to be going fine?»«How can I overcome my intense fear and panic whenever I drive over a bridge?

Before helping the patient, an initial assessment is necessary. The goal of assessment is fully understanding of the factors that contribute to the problem(s).

Sometimes the presenting problem or symptom is not the real problem. Someone may seek help for headaches. After a session or two, the patient reports that her marriage is in trouble. The headaches were a "ticket" into psychotherapy.

 Assessmentcould include    

clinical interviews with a patient or significant other (family member, friend, colleague);behavioral observations (classroom observation); the use of checklists, inventories, and psychological tests (IQ and personality tests); the review of previous records (medical charts, school records); anddiscussions with other professionals familiar with the person (physician, school teacher, school counselor). 

 Thechoice of assessment tools    

depends on

the nature of the problem(s), the skills and perspective of the psychologist, the objectives and willingness of the patient, and

practical matters such as cost and time    

 Reliabilityand Validity    

Assessment method must be reliable and valid. Assessment is used to make important decisions on people's lives, it is critical that reliable and valid procedures are used.

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