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Paraphilic Fact

Emotional disorders defined as sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviours that are, intense, occur over a period of at least six months, and cause significant distress or interfere with important areas of functioning. Medical professionals almost exclusively diagnose paraphilia's men. There are number of different types of paraphilic disorders, each of which has a different focus of the sufferer's sexual arousal There are biological, psychological and social risk factors for developing paraphilia's. Treatment of paraphilic sexual disorders usually inlvolves the combination of psychotherapy and medication. Paraphilias are quite chronic, such that a minimum of two years of treatment is recommended for even the mildest paraphilia.


The word paraphilia derives from Greek; Para means around or beside, and philia means love. (3% to 5% of the male population) (1% to 6% of those individuals being women) exept for masochism, which is 20 times more common in women than men. Paraphilia's are almost exclusively diagnosed in men.DSM – criteria sets for the paraphilic disorders with the DSM-IV TR criteria set provided for comparison. Criterion A Criterion B Criterion C

Criterion A

Is the paraphilia component of the disorders, which requires an typical focus of sexual arousal and an arousal pattern that is recurrent, intense, and persists for at least six months.Was amended by adding "behaviour" along with "fantasies" and urges to emphasize that it is behaviour that most typically bring individual to clinical attention.

Criterion B

Is the harm component, which requires the presence of distress, impairment in functioning or involvement of non-consenting person (i.e., voyeuristic disorder, exhibitionistic disorder, frotteuristic disorder, and sexual sadism disorder)

Criterion C

 Which requires a minimum age of 18 Has been added to the criteria set for voyeuristic disorder, restricting the diagnosis to adult individuals. According to DSM-5, adolescence and puberty generally increase sexual curiosity and activity. This criterion was added "to alleviate the risk of pathologizing normative sexual interest and behaviour during pubertal adolescence.


Types of Paraphilias


A person with voyeuristic disorder becomes sexually aroused by intentionally spying on unsuspecting people who are naked, getting undressed, or participating in sexual activities.


A person must experience persistent and intense sexual arousal from the fantasy or act of watching an unsuspecting person who is naked, partially disrobed or sexually active, for at least six monthsThe viewer is likely to masturbate or have sexual fantasies while watching someone, but is not interested in having sex with the observed person.The viewer must be at least 18-years-old, and the viewing must occur without the other person's consent.Males are more likely to engage in voyeuristic activities than females.


No specific cause has been determined for voyeuristic disorder.However, certain risk factors tend to coincide with a person becoming a voyeur, including substance abuse, sexual abuse, and being hypersexualized.

Voyeuristic disorder may stem from an accidental sighting of someone who is naked, disrobing, or participating in sexual activity.

Continued viewing then reinforces and perpetuates the behavior to a point where it goes beyond what is considered culturally acceptable, or "normal," and becomes pathological.Treatments- Psychotherapy- Support groups- medication- Cognitive-behavioural therapy can help the individual learn to control the impulse to spy on others learn new and healthier ways to become sexually aroused.Diagnosis- A person must experience persistent and intense sexual arousal from the fantasy or act of watching an unsuspecting person who is naked, partially disrobed or sexually active, for at least six months.

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